Have been thinking about the future.

Nov 30, 2010 22:57

Recently I have been thinking about what I would like to do in terms of study and where I would like to go. Over the weekend I looked at going to university, which I haven't thought about since my first few years of high school when I wanted to be a journalist but was discouraged for reasons I have forgotten now. The course I am interested is Bachelor of Arts where you can of course study any topic you like. My main interest is politics and well I haven't really thought what else I would like to study. I'm also looking at studying at Flinders University but first complete the Foundations course which helps Adult entry students gain places in Bachelor courses at the university. I have until the end of January to apply to the Foundations course.

This is something I feel like I want to do, to get my life back on track and seize the opportunity. I have talked to my dad about it and he was very supported about it. It was scary because in the past I've haven't really been encouraged and felt like my mother in particular wasn't really proud of me like she is of my brother. After a long talk with my father, I now feel encouraged to go with applying to the Foundations course and hopefully that will lead me into studying at university.

Thanks toin_the_bottle  for the Sherlock christmas card which arrived this morning. I really appreciated it and the card really made me laugh. I wouldn't be surprised if Mycroft really was Santa Claus. Today I bought Christmas cards so I will be sending those cards out very soon to all those who asked me for a card.

christmas cards, flist, personal, life, me, future

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