The Art Teacher (Jack/OC, NC-17)

Jun 27, 2010 11:31

“Welcome to the art class.”

I smile and shake your hand. You are quite handsome as an art teacher with your untidy light brown hair, blue eyes and boyish face. The shape shifter won’t be able to resist you; he won’t doubt your acting. Then again, Alex chose you because you used to be an art teacher.

I love your navy blue short sleeve shirt and jeans, a casual look you pull off so well.  Shame you’re not mine to play with.

“It’s okay if you’re nervous,” you go on with a beautiful smile, “since it can be a bit daunting.”

“No, it’s an area I’m quite comfortable in,” I reply, resisting the urge to kiss your lips. You nod and scratch the back of your neck. The awkwardness is showing like the night when we first met at the bar. Well, that’s what I would like to think anyway.

“Good. Well, I’ll leave you to pick your prop,” you say and point to some furniture in the corner. “I’ll be in the office if you need me.”

I watch you leave and smile to myself. You are such a gorgeous creature that I wish you were doing this and not I. You would be perfect lying on the maroon coloured couch with a red satin sheet draped over you to create a little mystery. Then I imagine the looks on the students’ faces, the lustful thoughts on their minds, and decide that for now I want to do this.

“Can you help me with this couch?” I yell out but you’re on the phone, probably talking to a lover or a student. You write something down and laugh before you catch my eye. I point to the couch and notice that you go slightly red. Quickly you put down the phone and run out of the office.

“Sorry about that,” you apologise with a smile. “I see you chose the maroon lounge. A good choice.” You scratch your neck again. “Do you want the satin sheet as well?”

“Well what do you think, James?” I ask, using your name for the first time since I got here. “When you were an art teacher what did you recommend?”

“Well I...” You stop and laugh. “It’s up to you Jack Harkness. I don’t know you, remember.”

I wish that we could talk like we do back at the Hub or at the bar. Still, I know that we are undercover and have to pretend that we don’t know each other because of the pesky shape shifter. You must be relieved that we aren’t a couple, which makes it easier I guess.

I want to undress, show off in front of you and the students. You deserve to see what I’m capable of, to perve at my gorgeous body and I wish you could show me the ways you would appreciate and satisfy me.

“Maybe I’ll leave the sheet,” I decide and notice your cheeks turn a deeper red. We move the couch towards the middle of the room and slightly at an angle. Your cheeks are now very red, redder than I have ever seen them.

“The change room is behind you,” you say, and I can see that you’re trying not to smile. “I’m going to see if anyone has arrived.”

I look at the door and shake my head. Slowly I start to take off my clothes, not caring if you come back and find me. I want to see your face as you watch me make myself comfortable on the couch, unconsciously licking your lips with pleasure. You will try to sneak in the odd glance while checking other people’s work. My cock hardens at the thought.

The clothes are kicked to one side as I wait for you to return. I imagine you are on the couch, naked with the red satin sheet draped over you. I want to touch myself; I want you to see me like that when you come back.

“Right, if you could just....”

A grin passes over my face. You have returned with a pretty blonde and I imagine how shocked she would be if she saw me with my hand on my cock. You cross your arms and tell her where she can find an easel. She runs off but not before she slips in a glance. I feel your eyes upon me which causes my cock to twitch slightly.

“We have a change room you know,” you remind me for a second time, as you walk slowly towards me.

“Sorry. Still you were out of the room,” I protest, and put my hands on my hips. “I’m like a Greek god aren’t I?”

You don’t answer but pick up something from the couch. I frown when I realise it is the red satin sheet. You pass me the sheet so I can cover my growing erection, but in my mind’s eye I display it proudly. I lie down on the couch and smile at you.

“Sexy and gorgeous,” you say and turn to see a few more students arrive. I watch you walk over to them, putting on the confident teacher role. I imagine girls and boys having a crush on you. You just don’t know how handsome you really are.

Class begins and the students start to whisper to each other, occasionally glancing in my direction. My cock hardens even more and I wonder if you are thinking about me, stroking yourself in your chair sometimes while on the phone to your lover between classes. I like to think you have someone since you seem out of reach. Your current lover deserves to hear your pleasurable moans meant for the man lying naked in the room.

“Right, how are we going?”

I watch you walk around the students, stopping to compliment or give advice. Closing my eyes I concentrate on you standing naked, wanking yourself in front of me. I feel myself growing even harder under the satin sheet, and I want to stroke myself in front of everyone. We are both exhibitionists in my mind; I just need to get it out of you. I know you can tell what I’m thinking.

“Alright, class dismissed,” I hear you say and I sit up, ignoring my throbbing cock. The students whisper to each other as they leave, glancing back and laughing. I smile and wave at them.

“You are such an exhibitionist,” you say with a laugh. “I’m glad I was the teacher.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t have minded being the teacher,” I tell you honestly. “You would have made a perfect model.”

You shake your head, “I’m not as confident as you, Jack.”

“Then go get naked,” I tell you with a smile. “Let’s work on your confidence, before we track down that shape shifter.”

“I’m sorry?” you ask and raise an eyebrow.

“You heard me, I want to see you naked.” You give me a look. “Come on, there is a red satin sheet here with your name on it.”

You roll your eyes and disappear into the office.

I hope you come back out naked, as my cock is twitching at the thought.

You don’t disappoint me.

nc-17, jack, oc, kink, kink_bingo, jack/oc, fic, torchwood

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