The Mander Big Ass Big Bang (Update)

May 13, 2010 22:41

I'm now getting on with my MBABB fic by starting from the beginning. As it is going to be a dark story, it's fitting to have the beginning quite dark. I imagine that during the 1920s Jack was going through quite a depressive period and not quite right in the head. So yeah have started my story with a murder.

Also Matt Smith was on The Chris Moyles show yesterday. I missed half of it due to dinner but it will be on the podcast which is released every Friday. So I might have more on that Friday Night.

Lastly I feel like writing more RPF as well because I enjoyed writing All I want is to be with you so much. Still ideas don't come easily but they are there swirling in my mind.

matt smith, rpf, chris moyles show, mbabb, darkness, writing, blaming crue

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