1. How often do you write and how do you feel about your output?
I write only when something comes to mind. I try to write every day but stuff always gets in the way and sometimes I just don’t feel like writing. What comes out is ok and if I need to, I will use a beta to go through it.
2. Where does your inspiration come from? Where do you get your ideas?
I guess real life inspires me the most, like childhood events etc. I have no idea where most of my ideas come from but they seemed to be stuck real deep in my subconscious. Also ideas seem to go with my mood.
3. What are the first things you write? Dialogue? Sex? Something else?
I always write from the beginning because that’s what comes out of my brain. Sometimes its dialogue or a snappy line but it’s always the beginning of the story.
4. How have you improved this past 6 months/year?
I like to think that my writing has improved a lot. I also like to think that I’m taking more risks in my writing by writing darker stuff and generally being honest. I believe that my stories aren’t sickly romantic but like cuter with out reaching for the bucket. I do like to write darker stories though. Real person fics have also become part of what I like to write.
5. Why do you write?
I write because it’s my passion and would love to make a career out of it. It’s a great tool to express your creativity and ideas.
6. Do you go through highs and lows? What are the triggers?
If I’m happy or sad my stories tend to reflect my mood but it doesn’t affect the quality. If I have writers block I tend to try to force it out or just don’t write at all.
7. Do people in RL know you write slash?
Yeah my friends do but they have never read my stories.
8. Where do you write?
I always write at my desk with the laptop with music playing. This is always in my bedroom.
9. Does music help or hinder?
I hate writing in silence so music is always on. Music can help to inspire and set the mood depending on what the type of music it is.
10. What are your props?
The laptop and that’s it.
11. How seriously do you take your writing/ the writing process?
I like to have fun with my writing. Well if it’s a darker fic then I tend to take it seriously. Strangely with RPF I tend to take that seriously as well but only because you have to do research and really want to get it right.
12. What are your strengths?
I tend to think that dialogue and writing in first person are my strengths
13. What are your weaknesses?
I have a problem with some punctuation and descriptive words. I have trouble with description but I’m slowly getting better.
14. If you beta, what do you get out of it?
I have never beta-ed anyone’s work.
15. What do you write? Aus, crack, PWP, threesomes, crossovers etc
I write anything that you can think of.
16. Which fic have you written that felt like bungee-jumping, you really had to feel the fear and jump?
Well Ponies and Flowers springs to mind, which is a Jack/Ianto telepathy porn fic. It was a very dark piece which I was scared about posting but I’m glad that I did because the comments I received were very positive.
RPF is also an area that feels like bungee jumping.
17. How do you feel about comments?
Comments are great, I don’t get a lot of them but they are generally positive.
18. Do you give other writers feed back? Why/why not?
I always give writers feed back because I generally love their stories and they really need to know that.
19. What is the indicator for you that your fic was a success/ worked?
Usually it’s very positive feed back that is the indicator.
20. Do you write in the genre you like reading the most, ie crack, AU, angst, etc?
Yeah I probably do.
21. Do you write a straight through draft or is your first attempt bits and pieces?
I always write a straight through draft.
22. What is it about this fandom that is eating your brain?
The characters I guess and that there is an endless possibility of digging deeper into their lives and see what makes them tick.
23. Is this your first time or are you a serial monogomar with fandoms?
Torchwood and Doctor Who are the fandoms I have always written for. I haven’t tried anything else. I do watch other shows but have never written stories for them.
24. Do you do drabbles, comment fic, challenges with deadlines and how do you get on with these?
I love writing drabbles because they are a challenge to write and you always have to pick the right words to get the message across. Surprisingly not many people can do it.
I have written comment fic in the past for the Porn battles and there’s a RPF comment battle coming up that I’m looking forward to.
At the moment I have signed up for reel_torchwood which has a deadline so I’m going to see how I’ll go with this since I’m not that good with deadlines.
25. Anything else?
I am going to write my reel_torchwood in first person and from Jack’s point of view. After watching Singing in the Rain, it’s my general view that the whole story is really from Don Lockwood’s point of view.
Also after watching End of Time pt 2 the other day I really like the Jack/Alonso scene, Jack deserves to move on.