Top 5 Favourite WWE Wrestlers (current roster)

Dec 06, 2004 13:53

You asked for it, twistedyouth, here it is. Secretly, I think you only wanted to see this list to decide whether or not you can respect me as a fan, but that could just be the paranoia speaking. I titled this favourite WWE wrestlers, but really, I don't watch any other wrestling than WWE, so this is just as easily my Top 5 Current Wrestlers. One clarification I must make, by "current" WWE wrestlers, I'm referring to anyone currently employed by the WWE in a wrestling capacity, injured or healthy. I'm not including special attraction performers that show up from time to time, even if they may be currently listed on roster pages. Basically what I'm saying is, The Rock and Mick Foley don't qualify for this list (they'd probably rank 1 and 2 on my all-time list, though).

5. Christian- The most underrated performer on either roster, this guy is always entertaining. While I don't agree with WWE's current model of over-scripting their shows, I find that Christian is one of the few performers to have excelled under it, especially with the Jericho/Trish Stratus lead-up to Wrestlemania. Unless he's just ad-libbing, I think Christian has been the best at delivering scripted dialogue. Plus, the unprettier is an awesome move.

4. Edge- I know people think he's not getting it done of late, and I can't really argue since last week's RAW was the first wrestling I've watched in awhile. But I've been a fan of his for awhile now, and I'm not gonna drop him that quickly. I love his cerebral-style promos; I find them Foley-esque. I think the thing keeping him from the big-time (other than HHH) and truly connecting to the fans is the lack of a catch phrase and the lack of a good finisher. The spear doesn't do it for me, and catch phrases help with the marketing of a character.

3. Kurt Angle- There was a time where he would get the top spot easily, but I'll be honest, I haven't seen anything from Angle since Wrestlemania. I stopped watching Smackdown! a while ago. I think injuries will keep Angle from becoming the greatest of all-time, but at his peak, there's is no one else that is a better combination of wrestling ability, intensity, and entertaining promos as Angle.

2. Chris Jericho- The MVP of RAW, there's very few things that Y2J can't make entertaining. Maybe the Diva Search, but that's about it. I think WWE has left a lot of money on the table by blowing his original title reign and not giving him another one.

1. Chris Benoit- Notice a trend here? 4 Canadians, I'm such a homer. While the four guys below Benoit make the list largely because I find them so entertaining on the stick (along with their superior ring work), Benoit obviously can't make that claim. He's serviceable, at best, on the mic. But I think that works for his character. He doesn't have time to be entertaining outside the ring, because he's singularly obsessed with what he does inside the ring. And what he does in the ring is phenomenal. He's moved up my list due to recent success, as three of my most satisfying moments as a fan came this year courtesy of the Rabid Wolverine, him winning the Royal Rumble, winning the title at Wrestlemania, and watching him defend it live in attendance in Edmonton at Backlash.

There it is. I expect to see similiar lists either on their own posting or in the comments here. Don't let me down boys.

wrestling, lists

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