C.J. Cregg: I'm coming up to it?
President Bartlet: No, no. Look behind you.'>
As we all knew at the end of the second season, President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) has decided to run for re-election. His opponent is not revealed until the last episode of the season, but they spend the majority of the third season basically destroying the opponent's intelligence. Which is kinda like a pro wrestler giving a promo basically deriding everything about his opponent & then beating him. Great, you just beat someone that sucks. Way to go. Where's the
payoff? It's James Brolin. Who cares? You've already said time & time again what a moron his character is, so why would any pseudo-a-list actor sign up for the part?
Anyways, wrestling analogies aside, the writing on The West Wing continues to astound & warm me. There's an art to showing a character's wacky side (or folksy as they term it) & then proving that he didn't just luck into the position. The writers of The West Wing are experts at this, as is evidenced by much of President Bartlet's sense of humour.
There are so many little delightful moments of dialogue in each season that makes a quote thief like myself applaud & vow to repeat ad nauseum. I had a fleeting fancy with Amy Gardner (the HOT Mary Louise Parker) as my favourite character, but that was purely physical attraction. Toby's (Richard Schiff) still the man, because nobody pulls off a "prickly mumbler" better than Schiff.
Everyone on the cast has their moment in the sun, & there's some great episodic content, but it's the continuing storylines that keep me watching. Well, I was a bit turned off by all the gung-ho patriotism in the third season (coming on the heels of 9/11 as it were), & the anti-Arab stuff got a bit much at some points. I'm sure there are other countries (or races) that despise America as well. Let them have their moments too.
All in all, it's still an excellent show, but one you can't just jump into down the line. Which, unfortunately means this will be the last you hear from me on The West Wing until Season Four is released on DVD & Andy lends it to me. Watching new episodes on TV now would just ruin the older stuff for me whenever I get to see it. IMDB does enough of that for me. My favourite moment in the entire season was probably the Thanksgiving Butterball hotline scene. GOLD.
The West Wing Season OneThe West Wing Season TwoThe West Wing Season Four