Much like
andythesaint's post last week, my post here is basically stating the same thing, though in a much less eloquent fashion. I haven't posted a movie review in months now, mostly because it was getting to a point where I wasn't enjoying watching movies anymore. I was also delaying watching other movies because I felt that as one of the moderators of this community, it was my duty to be a shining example to the rest of the members by reviewing as much as possible. Therefore I'd watch movies, and they'd go into the review queue and I wouldn't watch more because I'd want to take care of the other already watched movies.
At some point, I just lost my desire to write reviews. I can actually pinpoint it two separate events. The first was reaching the 1000 keywords limit for an LJ community. That literally took the wind out of my sails. I'd always seen the community as having the limitless potential to grow and when we hit that plateau, I saw that we'd have to eliminate tags if we wanted to continue to grow. Everyone might not see the point to having tags for Bruce McGill, Jon Polito and so on, but those character actors are often more productive and more entertaining than the big stars. We did a bit of tag-slimming-down, but I saw that as a step backwards, and I started to ask myself why I would keep doing this if it's unable to grow?
The second thing was watching
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I fucking hated that movie, hated it so much that I didn't want to waste a minute more of my time on it.
So where do we go from here? I'm not sure about
mikey_iaco's intentions regarding staying on as a moderator for the community. For me, well, in all honesty I'd love to pass the community on to someone or someones that have a desire to continue to make the community grow with new, fresh ideas. It would kind of break my heart a bit if I came back in six months and saw that it was essentially no more. However, I understand if no one would be interested in what can essentially feel like a thankless job at times, what with LJ basically just treading water at this current time in regards to being relevant. If anyone is interested, hey, feel free to drop me a comment on here and we'll see if we can work something out. If no one is interested, well ... we'll cross that bridge if we get to it I guess.
Also, fuck Facebook.