- Oooh. An hour 'til the polls open for Taboo Tuesday! I'll vote for that, but not in my civic election.
- The uncle vs. the nephew? Sad, sad, sad. I thought Eugene's career was over when Trips crippled him in that steel cage match? Didn't Bisch already get his head shaved in WCW, thus revealing his naturally grey hair underneath?
- Wow, Snitsky's got entrance music & video now. The Battle of Two Men Who Look like Jobbers! Who will be least impressive? What's the reasoning behind this match anyways? How will anyone take Snitsky seriously (snicker) if he's beaten by a retard? & Eugene's supposed to be destroyed by him in theory, so why do this? Have we reverted back to WWF Superstars? Is Earthquake going to come out & squash Reno Riggins next?
- Why the American flag? Is that supposed to be ironic or something, due to two of the participants of the "debate" being Canadian? Oh, sorry, relocated Canadians.
- That Paper Mario & Mario Pinball Land look awesome. Too bad the commercial is still shit.
- Hey it's Todd... no... it's not. Oh well. Why aren't the master debaters coming out to their theme music? Are they already short for time? Poor Benoit, being forced to speak. I better not hear "your actions last week," again for the rest of the night.
- Shut up Pettingil. How long 'til Snitsky date rapes him? Damn HBK, pandering to the hometown crowd. Now I feel bad for using that master debaters line earlier in my rambles. Ol' HBK is right.
- That was a nice little bit, the two vets stealthily sneaking from behind their podiums. Hmmm, I might be an HBK fan after that superkick on Pettingil.. I mean Grisham. It almost looked like it hit him.
- Poor Kate Beckinsale. She hasn't been in anything good since Serendipity, & that movie woulda been nuttin' without Cusack.
- I love that Dentyne Frost Bites commercial. What an age we live in where decapitation is hilarious.
- I bet "School Girls" wins for the "Fantasy Battle Royal." Thankfully Victoria isn't gyrating as much anymore. Is Stacy actually dressed to wrestle or stand around? Man was Nidia taking a long hard look at Stacy's ass. Fuck, that kick was sloppy looking Stacy.
- Why are they going to give Stacy a title reign? You know it's going to happen, & it'll be the least legitimate title reign since Steph's back in tha day. Oh wait. Pro wrestling. No legitamacy. My bad.
- Victoria is the new Chyna, except actually attractive, & totally deadly. Everytime I see her do that Widow's Peak move, I cringe. No wonder she's got a knee brace already. Oh, too bad Patterson's gone after Taboo Tuesday. He coulda taught Stacy some psychology when it comes to selling a knee injury.
- oh for .. dammit.. those are the least convincing emotionally charged angry punches I've ever seen. Why couldn't the baby have lived & Lita been written off the show?
- I think you have been better Ric. Like back when your matches weren't a joke, a formula. Argh, everytime I see Flair wrestle I'm reminded of how pissed off I was when Hogan came back & Hulkamania ran wild again a couple years ago. Fuck, that disgusted me, but I don't hate Flair as much. Just retire, please.
- Yes, it IS scary how gay Batista can make himself out to be. Dammit King, wristlock & wristwatch? What is this, old timey commentary night? Man, this Ramblings is just turning into a litany of complaints.
- I wonder if they brought Val Venis back to North America & to the local hospital near where they're taping Raw tonight. Out of the blue, just because the match wasn't keeping my attention. Jericho & Orton have no reason to be teaming together.
- Oh yeah, in case you didn't know, winter has struck Calgary. & it's going to be plus 14C on Friday. What a fucked up city I live in.
- If you do vote for the Taboo Tuesday matches, I encourage you to post your picks on here, & we'll see how well we did with our picks.
- Why bother having a countdown if it's not going to work properly? Or maybe it's just the Canadian crap I have to deal with.
- Well, Jericho did tap out to Flair's figure four a couple years back, so it makes sense in some way. I'm still trying to figure out why Jericho was put in this match.
- Okay TSN, just show me the 'Stros winning please. I need to be right. Oh yeah, sadly the former lead singer of legendary Canadian indie rock band Doug & the Slugs, Doug Bennett died this weekend here in Calgary. I'm a bit sad about that 'cause I enjoyed their style of music & Bennett's distinctive voice.
- What the hell screen is Lawler on? Oh that makes sense, the voting doesn't take place on the actual Taboo Tuesday website. Fuck, the one time I'm actually looking at a PPV-specific website. Man, does Vince have an AWESOME power walk.
- Awesome, Christian with a cockles reference. The Christian Coalition. Give that guy a world title match instead of his oft-injured "brother." Tajiri is going to campaign for a shot? This oughta be good. A riar?
- Ah Vince, "I don't love EITHER one of you!" Oh good, Coach is showing up to gab. Why would he want to be involved in the match, unless he's lookin' for an ass whoopin'? Christian's awesome.
- Man, Rhyno really wants to say something. Lookit him run! Maybe he'll gore Vince. So, is Rhyno a heel now or what?
- Vince is the height of awesomeness right now. That venom spewing "SHUT UP!" was gold. Ah Hurricane, coming down to justify my vote (hopefully). Whoa, Shelton, smack talkin' with Vince. Nice, Vince on commentary, encouraging everyone to vote. I want Old School Vince on commentary now. Forget about it!
- I was waffling between Tajiri & Hurricane for my vote. Vince is going for the French Maid outfit. Great, my guy's the first one out.
- Finally, I know what X-Men Legends looks like when it's actually being played! Most deceptive video game commercial ever.
- Edge wrote an autobiography? Why?
- Awwwwww nertz, Tajiri's eliminated. Man does Christian's finisher kick ass. & his open handed slap too. He put some Canadian stank on it. Fuck, did Benjamin just about break Christian's neck there? Where'd that blood come from? C'mon Vince, commentate.
- Already a million votes? In half an hour? That seems about as legit as the WrestleMania sellout of less than a minute, or whatever they were hyping it as.
- Bah, shameless Benjamin pandering. I vote from the heart, not from the brain.
- Okay, that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas looks awesome because they showed what the game looks like.
- Carmella needs to remember she's a heel. It's not like she's William Regal & pompously waving to everyone. That's right Carmella, you don't need to parade around in your bra & panties, because you've already shown everyone your skin in Playboy. Fuck, that kiss was terrible. Man, Lillian totally wasn't into that scene.
- Why do you hope Snitsky gets destroyed J.R.? He didn't set you ON FUCKING FIRE!
- Oh good, Trips is coming out for no reason. Great, I'm sure it'll be a clean match. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Trips called out J.R.'s Mushmouth Moment of the Week.
During Chris Benoit's entrance,
J.R.: "Jericho's looking right at ya Triple H."
Triple H: "Yeah, so is Benoit."
J.R.: "My uh.. apologies."
- Why are Triple Threat matches so much cooler in video games than in real life? Because you don't need to rest one of them for like five minutes at a time. That was a neat looking spot, German suplex / sunset flip with all three guys involved. Dammit, did HBK look like shit dropping that top rope elbow. "It's a crock," shoot comments that aren't supposed to be right? Sorry, I had to steal a Scott Keith thing for that moment. Is Edge injured again? Oh there he is. & there he goes. Man does Benoit always eat that superkick when he's using the Sharpshooter. Predictable setup sure, but it still looks vicious. HOW DARE YOU QUOTE ED WHALEN J.R.? That wasn't the "ol' malfunction at the junction," at all. C'mon Benoit, rip Edge's shoulder out. Bah, I know the ref's are idiots, but c'mon, that was a completely ricockulous roll-up to count a pinfall on.
Meh. I do have the night off tomorrow night, but I think I'll just keep track of Taboo Tuesday online. Not THAT interested, based on what happened tonight. Because, despite everything WWE did tonight, if the voting's legit, none of it could matter right?
The Skooch's Votes for Taboo Tuesday
- World Title match : Benoit (Edge doesn't deserve it)
- Flair / Orton match: steel cage
- Kane / Snitsky: steel chair
- IC Title match: Hurricane (why not? Might as well speed up the heel turn)
- Eugene / Bischoff: servant
- Diva Battle Royal: fuck.. school girl
- Christy / Carmella: Lingerie Pillow Fight (I don't want anyone to get hurt here)