I know there's dozens of message board sites out there for wrestling fans, & most of the people that are part of this community probably already have their own source for wrestling-related opinions. If they're wrestling fans that is. If they're not, then none of this will matter.
Feel free to add any thoughts of your own, including anything you might see during the commericals that annoyed or interested you.
- For the first time ever apparently, live from Manchester. I doubt that it's live, due to the huge time difference. I could also probably just not watch & find the spoilers somewheres.
- Trish vs. Stacy was hardly "epic" Lawler
- Either this Simon System thing is going to be huge, or it's never going to be spoke of again. Like Beaver Cleavage.
- Has anyone actually called the Simon System phone number? (203) 352-1587? The sad thing is, the casual viewer might think it's an actual commerical for an actual product because it's so well done.
- Weird, even the bell ringing sounds like it's got an English accent
- Regal's got some kick-ass music now, but his character isn't kick-ass. We know that Darren Matthews in real life is a tough as nails son of a bitch, but that's not his character.
- Is anyone even remotely interested in Taboo Tuesday?
- the sound effect Eugene used on the eye poke was awesome
- man, everyone looks like they're working stiff tonight. Regal looks dead after that kick in the head, just like Trish's kick to Stacy's knee earlier.
- I love the Power of the Punch. Just please no Dusty Finish. It's about time William Regal got some title gold. Man, it's been a dry spell since his European title reigns. I can't even remember if he held the IC or not.
- ugh, that's by far the worst Nintendo commercial ever, basically implying that people will become bums rather than give up their Nintendos.
- Oh great, a Dusty Finish soon to come. BOOOOO!
- I don't know what watching Raw is like on SpikeTV, but I hate watching it on the TSN feed. It sucks all kinda ass.
- I like the British crowd. They cheer so politely. Unlike those rowdy American crowds. Then again, you watch Canadian Stampede & see how loud us Calgarians can be when it's a hometown favourite / hero in the ring.
- Man did Regal drop that elbow. Why does the WWE think it's a good idea to screw over the hometown wrestlers? Haven't they realized how much that kills the business in that territory?
- Great, another HORRIBLE Nintendo commerical. I'm starting to get even more embarassed that I own a Gamecube.
- Does anyone anywhere care what local fans think? I hate that everytime WWE goes somewhere international they make a big montage with all the local fans gushing.
- That's an interesting way to book a Tag Title match. Guaranteed Wacky Mixed Up Tag Partners.
- ewwwwww Dave Batista's got Trips' front. God his whole promo was one of the gayest things I've heard. brrrrrrr. Evolution's all gay now.
- oh man, a recap of the Kane / Lita / Snitsky triangle. I bet it turns out that Lita hired Snitsky to knock Kane into her so she'd lose it. Kane turns face, Lita turns heel & we never hear of the brilliant genius of Gene Snitsky again.
- "the only thing dead around here Kane is your baby," the most offensive thing I've heard today since my quoting of
this site earlier at work
- Atmosfear looks like one of the cheesiest board games since those VCR games of the 80s. Terrible, terrible.
- Oooh tomorrow night on TSN's The Hot Seat they'll have the negotiators of the labour conflict. Could be mud-slingingly good.
- Hopefully they pull the trigger on the Hurricane heel turn tonight. Hey, Kane's coming out to wish his old partner good luck. Or to just kill everyone I guess.
- J.R. "Using that chair like a weapon," thanks you moron. That'll be a part of this rambling every week, J.R.'s Mush Mouth of the Night. & no, Kane didn't "DESTROY EVERYTHING IN HIS SIGHT!" At least he didn't use the always stupid, "literally" before that sentence.
- Why are they still making Mortal Kombat games?
- I'm trying to decide if this Team America: World Police looks awesome or not. Okay, yeah it does.
- Speaking of looking awesome, I want Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
- Hopefully we'll never have to see Val Venis again. Worst Canadian Content ever.
- Why does Orton keep doing that eyebrow thing? Fuck, Rock should slap that off his face. Orton's looking too smug to be a face. & once again, Randy Orton is not great. Being a World Champion does not guarantee greatness. Bradshaw, Russo, Arquette, Ronnie Garvin, Tommy Rich, etc. etc. were / are not great.
- brrrr The Grudge looks super creepy but I don't think it'll be this year's The Ring. If you're not Canadian, you probably haven't heard of Corner Gas, but it looks like a typically terrible Canadian comedy series. They're advertising the hell out of it. It's annoying.
- DAMN, TSN is showing an old Oilers / Bruin game on Wednesday night!
- Jericho's haircut still looks terrible. He's gotta stay long or go Christian short.
- great, Lawler's gonna get arrested. It's going to be like Vader all over again. 'Cept more annoying.
- Is this an IC title match or what? Why a Rhyno push? Where is this coming from? What's the point of a non-title match?
- They have discovered the Center of the Universe Lawler, it's supposedly Toronto.
- I hate when they say the match is going to start "RIGHT NOW" then they go to a commerical. The fuck's the point of that?
- Yeah Lawler, the WWE coming to England is the equivalent of the Stones & the Beatles invading America. I think I know why the WWE is almost so universally despised by the media. Because they're so goddamn cocky, with not a shred of self-deprecation ever present. When you can't make fun of yourself, you have no soul.
- I like that nobody seems to want Edge around. Me either. YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN A TITLE REIGN BECAUSE YOU GET INJURED ALL THE TIME! You're unreliable bitch!
- I'm not sure if that X-Men Legends game actually looks good or not since the commercial shows NOTHING of the actual game! Just some CGI!
- When did Razor Ramon come back? & why's his hair so stupid lookin'? How long 'til Carlito Carribean Cool is known as Triple C?
- Cena got beat up at a bar? News to me.
- Carmella is Nowinski natural as a heel. I don't know how much longevity she'll have, but it could be the whole Maven / Nowinski thing over again. 2nd place eventually shows the winner that they got lucky once.
- they're turning this Taboo Tuesday thing into every fanboy's fantasy. Jericho's a face, why would anyone vote for someone that could plausibly take Jericho's IC Title?
- Interesting, Edge getting a lot of boos again. How is it justified that if you've never done something or gotten an opportunity for something, that you deserve it? What the hell kinda backwoods logic is that?
- WHOOOOOOOOO the sound went out! Mixed blessing of the night!
- Meh.. it's a cool looking spot, the triple figure fours, but there's no real point to it psychologywise
- damn, I hate HBK, but that superkick sometimes looks so goddamn vicious. Saw the ending coming a mile away, but they should've went the other way, with HBK letting Edge take the Pedigree. 'Course then he wouldnt've been able to do the big heel turn here.
- Seems like they're really pushing the Benoit / Trips match. Thank you Edge, that's the best thing you've done in years. Wooo, a triple threat match next week, HBK vs. Edge vs. Benoit. What an anticlimatic heel turn, although that spear on HBK looked particularily cruel.
- Alright show, nothing really outstanding since they fucked up the Regal win earlier in the night. Nothing else made me sit up & go WOOT!
I might never do this again, who knows really?