So, I'm still being lazy about creating a separate blog about my deals and deal hunting, but I did want to do a bit of bragging today. My specialty has always been getting good retail deals, and Sunday's are my big shopping days. This week, there were a lot of good moneymaking deals, and I had a very good day. So much so that I wanted to share it. I've included a picture of this weeks haul.
I broke down the numbers, and they look like this,
Total cost before coupons: $204.70
Final cost after coupons: $95.34
True cost after rebates and Register Rewards: -$3.05
That's right, I made money on all of my purchases today. The best thing about it was, after all was said and done, I was able to use all of my register rewards I earned today, instead of hoping to use them on deals for future weeks. Next week has some major moneymakers as well.
Since I'm throwing up pictures, I figured I would share a couple more that were recent
I don't know if I've put too many, if any pictures of our cats. This is Smeagle. She did herself. She is the reason why you cut all the holes in plastic bags and 6 packs.
This is Milo. He is Smeagle's brother. He does a lot of strange stuff. He's also about 4 feet long when laying down, and is often mistaken for a tiny horse. This picture doesn't do justice as to how big he is. He also jumps first and thinks later.
I also wanted to show off my very first Chiefs jersey!! This is a hand sewn replica jersey of Tony Gonzalez. I was stoked to have a chance to get one of the greatest Chiefs of all time! The only other option was Larry Johnson, and there was no way in hell I would get an LJ one. I also got a pretty sweet Chiefs jacket too. I don't like the one I currently have. It's got too much yellow, and is a big poofy jacket. I never wear it. This new one is a lot like my green one, and it's red and white, and looks much better.
Beyond all my deal stuff, life is pretty much as is right now. We've got my parents coming over for dinner this month. I've already spoken to my mom more times this year then the 2nd half of 2008, which is a bit strange. Not that I mind or anything, but it's something that I'm not used to. Speaking of my mom, Jess is on her facebook, and I was telling her that my mom told me she had joined, because apparently she found a kid in Rochester with the same last name, and thinks he might be a half brother. I don't. At most, maybe a cousin, but I know that there is another Hoffarth family in WNY. To be fair, if you would have told me that Stacey and Tom were cousins through marriage through that side of the family back in 2003, I would have laughed a lot, but I suppose stranger things have happened. Anywhoo, Jess clicked on all of her friends page, and it's like a good chunk of the Aberth family, which I find quite funny, mostly because you wouldn't expect them to be part of a social networking site.