It's all Carol Ann's fault...

Sep 13, 2007 09:35

1. Whats one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind?
Clearing my apartment of boxes, etc., so that I can move my furniture in so I don't have to keep paying for that storage unit AAAHHHH!!!!

2. Whats one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
People change.

3. Whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
It's pain, it's pleasure, it ain't easy--but it's worth it.

4. Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
Does that count Jim? Because, yes, he is the boyfriend.

5. What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
Went to NC to visit my grandparents with Jim over the weekend--we had a great convertible ride along the Blue Ridge Pkwy while they were taking their afternoon nap... then watching Pan's Labyrinth and drinking martinis with Jimmyboy Monday.

6. Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
... you mean, like, do over? Nah. I mean, maybe I would study more... but probably not.

7. Who do you like to spend your nights with?
Jeem. Although a book/movie/video game works, too.

8. Are you an emotional person?
I dislike drama queens intensely... but it's difficult not to be a bit emotional when your hormones are on a monthly rollercoaster... ah, the joys of being a woman -_-

9. Are you self conscious?
I used to be extremely self-conscious. I've gotten over it. mostly.

10. Do you think of others before yourself?
hm... depends on the situation.

11. Is there something that can always make you feel better?

12. Who was the last person you had a crush on?
your mom.

13. Where do you see yourself this time next year?
In school for music, preferably not here.

14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Not on purpose.

15. Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
Jim and Rachel. I feel like I could probably do anything around them. and I mean, ANYTHING. My family rocks, too.

16. Is there something that you're waiting for?
yes and no. It really is best to live in the moment.

17. One thing you're not looking forward to?
Working the rest of the day... and tomorrow...

18. How do you feel about change?
It can't be stopped, and why would we want to? It makes life interesting.

19. What are you most looking forward to?
I got these awesome shoes at Unclaimed Baggage on the way home from NC--I can't wait to wear them out! (and by that, I mean, go out whilst wearing them)

20. What do you think of the person you copied this from?
Carol Ann seems to be the cousin that will turn out most like me (with the exception, perhaps, of Madeline)--bless her heart.

21. Do you even care about your birthday?
I used to. Now... there's not really anything to look forward to after 21. Last year's bday sucked; this year it's on a Tuesday and I'm turning 23. Whoopdefrickindoo.

22. Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
I've got the awesomest family on both sides--sure, we all have problems, but we're full of love. I know they'll always be there to do whatever they can for me.

23. When do you think the world will end?
When you say "world," do you mean the planet? Or, perhaps, the human race? I think the planet will be caput before we will.

24. Whats the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
er... I have a pair of shiny red dress pants (they tie in front, then in back--they can be confusing if you're not used to them) that cost me $50... I also have a cordouroy jacket that should have cost $350, but I got it for $20 at Marshall's :D

25. Why do you drive the car you have right now?
Because it only cost $500.

26. Is there anyone special in your life in general at the moment?
Jeem! My Mamma... My father's girlfriend is about to have a baby, too...

27. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

28. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?

30. Did you get any compliments today?
Not so far--but just wait 'til I go out in those shoes!!! I think I'll wear my little denim skirt, too ^_-

31. Are you friends with your neighbors?
There's a guy in the building in front of mine that knows my name and invited me and Jim over for a glass of wine... I know Jim's neighbors better--Danica and George next-door, Evan across the street, Bekah and David a few houses down.

32. What were you just thinking about?
My new icon on LJ... XD

33. Name the places you have lived in.
Huntsville, Birmingham.

34. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?

35. Have you ever had a crush your on your sister's/brother's friend?
Yeah, once. Turns out he was trying to get into my pants the whole time.

36) Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
umm... Goody's?

37) Whom do you currently like?

38) Do they like you?
We're practically married. What do you think?


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