[Fic] Bitter Sweet Love (for 52wk)

Dec 26, 2010 23:49

Title: Bitter Sweet Love
Author: firerose1300
Recipient: 52wk
Pairing: Marui/Jackal
Rating: K+ - T
Summary: Marui thinks that Jackal is like his coffee, strong, deep, and mysterious.
Warnings: They're a little OOC, sorry. I wanted to get a light, romantic atmosphere and it sorta changed itself.

Marui loves Saturdays, especially ones like this where Yukimura has canceled practice to go out with his girlfriend and Yagyuu has gotten stuck babysitting Akaya because Sanada caught him and Niou doing lewd things in the changing rooms during practice. Sundays were nice too but most of the time Marui gets stuck watching his younger brothers and Jackal got stuck taking Akaya to the arcade or practicing with him at the street courts. So, this is a special day that cannot be wasted in anyway. Marui wants everything to be perfect.

As soon as the bell rings Marui is one of the first people out the door and down the hall. He arrives at the tree where Jackal said to meet, out of breath. He got there first though, meaning that it would be Jackal's treat today.

"You're out of breath." Jackal's deep voice and hot breath washed across the back of his ear. Marui jumped about five feet in the air. He whipped around angrily to give Jackal a piece of his mind but stopped and blushed deeply at the look on Jackal's face. The kind that makes his heart just stop in his chest for some reason, maybe it's just because it's the kind of look Jackal has when he is staring at Marui, and is about to kiss him.

"I beat you here, you know what that means." Jackal smiles and laughs, leaning forward until his nose is almost touching Marui's. Not knowing what to expect Marui turns his head to the side and the kiss lands on his cheek. "What are you thinking, we're at school. If anyone sees us, especially Niou or Yagyuu, they'll make it so your stuck on Akaya duty till the day you die."

"Maybe not till the day I die but, until we graduate at least. Then probably again in High school. It wouldn't be too bad though, he's starting to grow on me, as long as he's not blood shot." Marui scowls at Jackal and turns so he's facing the school gates and walks away. "Don't be like that Bunta, I'm sorry. Don't let it ruin the afternoon."

Marui wants to be childish or a girl and wrap his arms around Jackal and just smell him and feel his strong chest but he knows that he isn't a child or a girl. So instead he settles for throwing a look back in his partner's direction and taking in the figure he wants to hold tight to.

"Hurry up, I don't want the strawberry tart to be sold out again." Jackal smiles at Marui and talked a few steps with his long legs to catch up. A few steps is all it takes because Jackal has such a long stride, one of his steps is about three of Marui's. It's times like these where Marui curses his subconscious, when he's not thinking very hard all he notices are the small insignificant things about Jackal. He feels like a girl with her first love. Only half of it is true, Marui may not be a girl but he's pretty sure Jackal's his first love. Now it sounds really mushy to him. So caught up in his thoughts Marui walks right past the little café where Marui and Jackal had their first date and many afterwards.

“Bunta, where are you going? You passed the shop.” Marui turned around embarrassed. Jackal was looking at him worried. But Marui dismissed it by stating that his genius couldn't be expected to pay attention to his location while he was deep in thought on important matters. Jackal's face relaxed and he laughed and ruffled Marui's hair in a relieved way. “So, what were you thinking about Bunta?”

“I've decided, we have a bitter sweet love.” Jackal made a face that begged him to continue and explain how he had come to that conclusion. “Because you're so serious and deep like how you drink your coffee. Completely black no crème, no sugar. And I'm more like a strawberry tart. Sweet, light, almost happy-go-lucky.” Jackal still looked confused.

“I'm not sure how that makes our love bittersweet, I think you're misunderstanding the word.” Marui sighed as their waitress came to take their order. Jackal ordered his coffee and Marui, his tart.

“I'm not misunderstanding the word, Jackal. You're misunderstanding me, not bittersweet, bitter sweet. Two words. I just, was trying to think of how we can relate to each other so much as boy-, boy-, boy-, well you know.” Marui flushed a little bit and tried to hide his discomfort in saying the word by adjusting his tie and taking a big bite of the tart that had just arrived at the table. “We're just two different people and I couldn't seem to figure out how We can like each other so much, being so opposite and all.”

“Bunta, why do you worry about that kind of stuff? It's not important.” Marui almost chocked on the bite of tart that he had taken. “If we like each other enough, we can have any sort of relationship we want. It doesn't matter if we're perfect or compatible or similar. I like you, a lot. I like being with you. That's all the matters, unless you don't like being with me.” Marui turned redder and agreed, he liked being with Jackal. “Then, nothing else matters. So, stop thinking too hard. Everything will be just fine, as long as you continue to believe.”

“Now you sound like some girl.” Marui assumed Jackal would be five-alarm red by now but because his skin was much darker than Marui's the color merely blended in.

“Eat your tart Bunta.” Marui laughed and took a bite/ He looked up at Jackal, who was looking at him and they both smiled. Marui figured he was right about one thing at least, Jackal was like his coffee, strong, emotionally and physically, deep, and serious, and always best enjoyed with a sweet, light, almost happy-go-lucky piece of cake or tart.

pairing:marui/jackal, school:rikkai, *fic, round:2010, character:marui bunta, character:jackal kuwahara

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