[Fic] Letting Go (for nikki_aino)

Dec 22, 2010 10:57

Title: Letting Go
Author: wiccanlilly
Recipient: nikki_aino
Pairing: Chitose/Tachibana
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Chitose is always willing and ready to help Tachibana let go of some of his control
Warnings: Chitose’s lack of housekeeping skills.
Notes: It’s been a looong time since I’ve written any sort of smut in a fic…I hope it didn’t fait too badly and that you enjoy it!

No matter how stressed Tachibana was, no matter how much the weight of the world weighed on his shoulders, all it took was some time with his boyfriend to make him feel better again. And after a night out with Chitose, a night filled with teasing looks and comments, even more teasing and touches and promising kisses, all Tachibana wanted to was get back to Chitose’s, be shut up in his room with his bed, and relieve some of the stress and tension that had been building in him during the weeks he had been without Chitose.

However, one look at the absolute disaster area that was Chitose’s private area, and Tachibana felt all that stress come pouring back. This was what Chitose considered sexy?

“I think I’ve just lost the mood….” Tachibana made a face as he finally dared to enter Chitose’s room. “I can’t even find your bed, and I’m not doing it on top of…that.” He pointed to what looked a pile of clothing. “I think it’s moving….”

“Aww, come on Kip.” Chitose came up behind Tachibana and wrapped his arms around his suddenly reluctant boyfriend, nuzzling his neck in what could almost be viewed as a tender gesture. “You were all over me ten minutes ago…you’re going to let a little mess stop you now?”

“If it were a little mess, no.” Tachibana squirmed a little, trying to get away from Chitose, thought the motion only served to encourage him. “I draw the line at when I can’t find anything, though.”

“But I can….” With a display if strength that Chitose rarely displayed, he bent, picking Tachibana up and tossing him over his shoulder, ignoring Tachibana’s flailing protests, and deposited him squarely on the bed, them pounced and pinned his boyfriend squarely under him. “There. Found it for you, Kip.”

Tachibana glared up at Kippei, squirming under Chitose and ignoring the way he groaned at the stimulation. “I’d be prouder of you if there wasn’t something really hard digging into me right now!”

“Well, yeah.” Chitose smirked. “I thought you knew your anatomy, Kip. That would be my-“

“I didn’t mean that!” Tachibana rolled his eyes. “I meant in my back, Senri.”

“Oh.” Chitose blinked and shifted back so he was straddling Tachibana’s thighs, fishing around under him. “I don’t know what…oh. Hey….I was wondering where those had gone!”

“Where…what had gone?” Anything that had his boyfriend that happy had Tachibana immediately suspicious.

“These~” Chitose’s grin was a bit cheeky as he held up his hand, a pair of handcuffs dangling from his fingers. “What do you say, Kip? Wanna give them a test run?”

For a minute, all Kippei could do was stare up at Chitose. Did he…seriously just…handcuffs?? Really? “I…don’t know Senri…I mean, it’s kind of…we’ve not talked about this before, and….” The idea of not being in control really wasn’t sitting well with Tachibana, and he was trying to figure out the best way to express that to Chitose when a faint ‘click’ registered in Tachbana’s ears. Oh…oh hell no…. A tug of one wrist confirmed his suspicions. “Senri!”

Senri looked unrepentant as he studied the wrist he had stealthily handcuffed to his headboard. “Anyone ever tell you that you think too much, Kip?” He grinned and turned his attention to Tachibana’s other wrist. “Besides, you look good like that.”

This time, fully aware of what Chitose was doing, Tachibana tried to put up a struggle…hard to do when one wrist was already cuffed up, he discovered. “Come on, Senri…please?” He tugged again, even as his other wrist was caught and cuffed. “This is just…I don’t know….” He turned his head to the side, feeling incredibly uncertain and insecure about the whole process.

“Kippei.” It was the unusually serious tone in Serni’s voice that made Tachibana pause and pay attention. “I know you’re not good at just…going with the flow. I know you like controlling things. And…you’re stressed. I can see it written all over you. You need a break, badly. So…for one, you can just lay back and feel. No thinking, no worrying about if you’re doing the right thing or not. Just leaving it all in my hands.”

“I…Senri….” It was appealing, yes, the idea of just being able to relax, to let go and let be. Tachibana watched as Chitose’s fingers nimbly made short work of his buttons, easing his shirt open However, he just…couldn’t seem to get his mind to wrap around the concept, so even though, yes, what Chitose was doing with his lips andhis nipple was amazing, it just…didn’t feel the same to Tachibana. “Senri…I can’t….”

“You can, Kippei.” Chitose smiled up at Tachibana, shifting up to kiss him softly. “You really can. There’s nothing else out there…just you and me.”

“And whatever else is living in this junk heap you call a room.”

“Look, forget the messy room, okay?” Chitose laughed, his hands busily removing their clothing as he spoke. “It’s not what’s important, okay? You’re what’s important. And you’ve been so tense, lately. Strung so tight, ready to snap. You need to relax, and I need to you let go.” Chitose pressed a string of soft kisses down Tachibana’s neck, his hands caressing his boyfriend’s sides, as much to calm him as it was simply to enjoy touching him. “Please? For me? Just…let go?”

For another second, Tachibana hesitated. The combination of Chitose’s lips and hands were doing wonderful things for him, and…maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, after all. Maybe…and he’d tied up Chitose before, after all, and he’d seem to like it…. Curiosity and desire won out, and something in Tachibana loosened as he relaxed against the bed with a soft groan. “Alright, Senri…yeah. We’ll play it your way this time.”

Chitose grinned at Tachibana. “Now…just feel,” he said, kissing hhis lips quickly, then sliding between his legs. “Enjoy the ride, Kip.”

Tachibana tried to watch, but with the first brush of a soft tongue against his length, he was undone, his eyes falling closed and a loud moan tearing from him. Tachibana seemed to be encouraged by that, his tongue licking and swirling around the tip of his boyfriend’s arousal enthusiastically, while one of his hands stroked along Tachibana’s thigh, the soothing strokes seeming so out of place when coupled with the playful teasing. All Tachibana wanted, though, was for Chitose to just quit teasing, to take him into his mouth, and even though he wasn’t going to beg, Tachibana’s hips were more than willing to ask for him, rocking up in an attempt to bury himself in Chitose’s teasing mouth.

Chuckling, Chitose nuzzled Tachibana’s arousal, flicking his tongue one last time over the tip. “Not going to make you beg, Kippei,” he murmured. “I’m not that cruel.” With that, he slowly took Tachibana’s tip between his lips, sucking softly, at first, his hands holds onto his boyfriend’s hips to keep him from bucking up.

It was slow, almost tortuous, and Tachibana bit back a moan, tugging at the handcuffs in his frustration. He wanted more…Chitose was a tease at the best of times, and now, he thought, Chitose was just going to take advantage of it. And to be denied the ability to touch his boyfriend…. “Senri,” he moaned, shifting some under him, trying to ask without saying the words.

Well versed in Tachibana-speak, Chitose obliged his boyfriend, taking him deeper, humming around Tachibana’s length as he moved one hand from his hip to tease at Tachibana’s balls, caressing them softly, adding just enough sensation to make Tachibana shudder and groan, which made Chitose take him even deeper, his suction increasing as he head bobbed, no other thoughts in his mind other than driving his boyfriend wild.

And it was working. Taichibana was moaning, tugging against the handcuffs, but had pretty much forgotten their existence, focunsed only on Chitose’s mouth, and the wonderful things it was doing to him between his legs. It had been tool long since they had been together, too long since Tachibana had let himself let go and just feel, and it was threatening to overwhelm him faster then he’d like. “Senri…slow down…too soon….”

Oh, hell no! There was no way that Chitose was going to let Tachibana get back any of his control. He wanted his boyfriend to let go…to go over the edge. So instead of slowing down, he redoubled his efforts, bobbing his head on Tachibana’s arousal, tongue wrapping around his length as he sucked. His hand left Tachibana’s balls, moving further back, teasing over his opening, not penetrating, but letting the friction add to what he was giving his boyfriend, hoping to drive him out of his mind.

“Senri!!” The fingers teasing him were what really did it for him. His back arched, and a deep moan escaped from his lips, jerking hard on the handcuffs, not noticing the rattle of the chains as he gave himself over to the orgasmic blankness taking over his mind and body. A part of him, deep down, was a bit embarrassed at coming so soon, but the rest of him was too busy shuddering and groaning as he spilled himself, collapsing back against the bed in a panting, boneless heap.

Chitose couldn’t keep the smirk from his face as he lapped the last traces from Tachibana’s twitching and spent length, moving up his body, scatting kissing along his path, to press a final kiss against Tachibana’s lips “You look best like this,” he said, running a hand through Tachibana’s wild blond mane. “Sweaty and panting, and all because of me.”

If Tachibana could have, he would’ve shoved his boyfriend. As it was, he had to settle for a weak glare. “Oh, shut up….”

“But you really do.” Chitose kissed Tachibana again slowly, letting the contact linger.

“Whatever….” Tachibana sighed. “Are you going to let me go anytime soon? I….” He flushed a little. “I kind of want to touch you.”

“Maybe….” Chitose smirked. “If you’re a good boy….”

It was Tachibana’s turn to smirk. “Let me go,” he said, “and I’ll show you just what a good boy I can be.”

Chitose was reaching for the keys. “Now there’s a promise a can let you go for.”

--The End--

character:tachibana kippei, *fic, round:2010, school:fudomine, school:shitenhouji, character:chitose senri

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