[Fic] My Lord, My Master (for neumegami33)

Dec 21, 2010 09:39

Title: My Lord, My Master
Author: gottis_chan
Recipient: neumegami33
Pairings: Past Baker/Fuji, Tezuka/Fuji
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lord Tezuka buys a very intriguing servant...
Warnings: Implied past rape, character death, dark themes in general.
Notes: Might not be what you wanted, Anon, but I tried my best. For some reason I decided to write from Tezuka's PoV and I suck at that, so the result is... Mediocre. I'm sorry, but I hope you'll enjoy anyway. ♥

It was Inui, my chief of staff, that informed me that we had a new staff member. A young boy, late teens, but already incredibly skilled. Even if it went against everything I believed in, Inui had hired him as the head butler. Just a slip of a boy… I didn’t understand the reasoning behind such an action and demanded that I’d meet the boy between four eyes. So now he stood in my office. I studied him; slender, light brown hair that hung down over his ears, reaching almost down to his shoulders, intense blue eyes that spoke of intelligence and a quick wit, pink lips that were curled in a small, dangerously attractive smile.

“You’re Fuji Syuusuke,” I said, flipping through his papers. “Eighteen years old, am I correct?”

“Yes, sir.” His voice was soft and melodious. It made the hairs on my arms stand up. The immediate attraction was there, I couldn’t deny it. I didn’t understand; I never felt this way upon meeting someone the first time ever. Not even Miyuki, my fiancée, made me feel like this, and I loved her dearly.

“Very well. I’m Count Tezuka Kunimitsu, and I hope you realize I have certain standards where my staff is concerned. Is this the first time you’re working at a larger household, boy?”

“No, sir. I served under Lord Baker before coming here, sir.”

Baker. Ah, that man. I had a few dealings with him over the years; he came off as a greedy man, sneaky and cowardly. Hardly the best man to serve. I hoped this Fuji boy hadn’t picked up any bad habits while working for him. “Very well. I’m appointing a trial period for you. You get three chances during one month. Mess up thrice and I’m laying you off. Understood?”

The boy nodded and bowed. His back drew a perfect arch, and I found myself wanting to touch it; trail my fingers down that spine and… I cut my thoughts short. Hardly fitting thoughts for anyone to have; let alone the lord of the manor. I needed a drink. I made a small gesture with my hand, and immediately the boy sprang into action, taking out a glass and a dust covered bottle from a cabinet. He poured some of the golden liquid from the bottle into the glass before handing it to me.

How did he know it was a drink that I craved…? The sharp drink tasted surprisingly sweet.


“I wish I didn’t have to sit through that boring, boring conversation with her! Sakuno is a good girl, but she’s all about the embroideries and being nervous about her debut and…” Miyuki went on and on, waving her hands about and making faces, animated as usual. She really wasn’t the ideal woman, but she was strong, funny, and strangely adorable. In spite of all her cockiness, she brought out the protective instincts in me. Sometimes I feared that I felt she was more a little sister to me than my fiancée however. Of course, our marriage had been arranged by our parents, so the way I felt about her really didn’t matter much in the long run, but it wouldn’t have been wrong for me to at least feel slightly attracted by her. She ought to stir these emotions in me, not the young man who currently stood at the door, ready to wait on us if necessary.

Fuji had been in my service for a week and two days now. He had never once made a mistake; always there, always ready to serve, always smiling and polite. I gathered that the boy was well bred, well schooled and why he worked as a servant instead of being a scholar was beyond me, when it seemed like he was highly intelligent, could read and write a lot more than simply his own name. I found myself wanting to know more about him. Of course, one could not simply strike up a relationship with a servant just like that, but if I handled the matter with delicacy, I hoped to calm the waters at least somewhat.

Miyuki went home, and I withdrew to my study. I had a glass of brandy while gathering up the courage to actually call the boy to me. The liquid burned my throat and burned away my hesitation, and I rang the bell. Soon enough Fuji stood in the doorway, that ever present smile on his face.

“You called for me, Sir?”

“Come in,” I said. “Sit down.”

He looked confused for a moment, but did as he was ordered, those intense, cerulean eyes never leaving me. Something inside me surged, melted and roared under that gaze; I wanted to pull him close and kiss his eyelids. The thought was confusing, left me dumb for a moment, before I too took a seat, refilling my glass.

“Tell me about yourself,” I said, my tone curt. He blinked, again that confusion passing over his delicate features. He looked down at his hands for a moment before returning his gaze to me.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand…”

“Family. Upbringing. Anything you think might be of interest to me.” I sipped the brandy. “I want to know you, Fuji. Is that strange?”

“No, sir. But I’m sure I have everything important listed in my papers, so, I don’t see the need for any further inspection.” His eyes seemed to ask me ‘haven’t we already been through this?’ I frowned and got to my feet, walking over to him, leaning down. He really was beautiful, even more so up close. Thick eyelashes, slightly pink tinted cheeks, soft hair and breath that smelled fresh and good, surprisingly enough. Maybe it was just my imagination, but it seemed like he pulled back a little in the chair as I leaned close. My eyes narrowed and I brought a hand to his face, cupping the smooth cheek. It felt almost childish against my calloused hand, but the bone structure I could detect underneath the skin was a young adult’s. That strange agelessness was alluring. His eyes were intoxicating.

You’re making me act not like myself, boy. Who are you? And why do you have this effect on me?

He shivered underneath my touch, this I did not imagine. His gaze flickered for just a fraction of a second and it annoyed me. I wanted his full attention… Craved it. My grip around his cheek hardened, as I mumbled:

“Keep yourself still, boy.”

He froze, eyes widening for a moment before narrowing. It was a lion’s eyes. I don’t know why that thought came to me, but it grabbed a hold of me and wouldn’t let go. I cupped his face with my other hand as well, and unable to hold back, I leaned down and kissed those pink lips. They were numb against mine, but tasted good. I remained like that for a moment, my lips pressed against his, before I pulled back. As I found myself watching the boy with a strange sort of amazement clenching my gut, I could see that he didn’t exactly share my feelings; he looked about as distraught as I’ve ever seen him. I released him and took a few steps back, refusing to look uncertain or even wavering in front of him. Instead I barked, my voice hard:

“You may leave.”

He did not waste any time in doing so.


“If you want him, fuck him.”

The lewd comment came from the gorgeous man in the sofa. Atobe Keigo was one of my best friends, or rival, or something in between. He was the heir of the county of Hyoutei, gorgeous, self aware and dynamic. He was a man who was used to getting his own way, and had no qualms about stepping over corpses to get his point across. Still, he was a good and loyal friend, never one to mince words however.

I looked up at him and frowned. “That’s hardly appropriate.”

“Are you stupid, Tezuka? He’s only a servant. They were made to serve us, were they not? Take him. If you like him, keep him, if you don’t, throw him out. He’s hardly irreplaceable.”

“But to keep a lover…”

“Tezuka, it’s a servant, hardly a lover, ahn?” This was coming from the man who was using his own man servant - a giant with a rather dumb expression on his face - as a foot stool right now. “If he’s good enough, he won’t object, right? And even if he does, it’s not like it matters. What’s he gonna do, cry rape? You’re his master. Really, I don’t see what the big deal is. Aren’t I right, Kabaji?”

“Yup,” the current foot stool said immediately. Well, well…


That was correct, I thought. I did own him. He was my servant, my property. It was something I had been brought up with, never really considered before, but the facts were there. It was the way our society worked. I could take what I wanted and no one would think otherwise. It was two days after Atobe’s visit. Almost a month after that first, and so far only kiss. I had called Fuji to my sleeping quarters.

I sat in my bed, hands resting in my lap and my eyes on the young servant. He looked visibly nervous, which was a first. He also looked quite adorable. His hair had grown even further and it hung down in front of his eyes, framing his face beautifully. I wanted him, I wanted him so much, but I was inexperienced, had only been to a pleasure house once in my life, and that time I had bedded a woman, much older than me and she had been the one to show me the ropes. I did not wish to make a fool out of myself. If I didn’t let any uncertainty show I would have to stay away from the careful path, but rather that than losing my face in front of this servant boy.

“Undress,” I ordered.

Color drained from Fuji’s face, and I half expected him to turn on his heel and run off, but it didn’t happen. Instead he, face an unreadable mask, started to undress; jacket first, his shirt followed, and then lastly the pants. I found it intriguing that he did not question me and the order in the least. His underpants followed and he stood completely naked in front of me.

I frowned.

His body was lean, thin and almost delicate looking. White skin, a small penis that looked oddly cute, firm, slim legs, dark pink nipples and what looked like a tight, pert behind. There were also scars on his body. Many scars. On his thighs were marks after a flogging or two, over his stomach ran a few that clearly were the marks of a knife, or maybe even a sword.

“Turn around,” I said, my voice dull.

He did, and the back that was presented to me was a never ending pattern of lash after lash. This wasn’t the marks after just one flogging; several, over the course of the years. Someone had abused this boy over a long time.

I closed my eyes for a second. I shouldn’t care, I told myself, it was only a servant, only a tool, just like the bed I was sitting on. I really shouldn’t care. I couldn’t. I steeled myself. I was going to add to that abuse, wasn’t I? No need to try and coat my actions into sugary words, because there were none.

“Are you a virgin, boy?”

“… No.”

The answer I had expected. I started to undress myself, didn’t want him to do that for me. When I was finished, I sat down, spreading my legs apart. “Come here,” I demanded. “Take me into your mouth. Show me what you can do.”

I could see how the boy visibly shivered, but he was on his knees in no time, one slender hand cupping my already hardening erection, and then he lowered his mouth onto it. I glanced down at him; I could see the top of his head, those narrow shoulders and a small part of his behind along with his feet. He fitted so perfectly between my legs that I lost control for a second, placing my hand behind his head and pushing him forward, forcing my way deeper into his mouth. After that, I kept my hand there, guiding his pace, pushing a little bit harder each time his head bobbed, forcing him to take more and more of my length into his mouth. No sounds of complaint came from him, and had it not been for the fact that I saw just how tense he was, I could have almost told myself that he enjoyed this.

He was skilled, skilled and probably experienced, which didn’t go well with my image of him being more a scholar than anything else, but went better with the hideous marks on his body. I felt myself getting close, and I stopped him, pushing him back. “Get into my bed,” I said, my voice a tone softer than I had intended it. “On your stomach.”

Fuji wiped his mouth and there was maybe a second or two of hesitation before he did as he was told. I looked at him splayed out before me like that, and then decided:

“Push your behind up.”

He complied, allowing his upper body to rest against the bed, while his lower was supported by his knees. His butt looked cute and alluring as it protruded high into the air. I climbed the bed, hearing it moan underneath my weight, and grabbed his ass cheeks with my hands, parting them. There it was, the little, puckered hole. I positioned myself against it, the only lubrication being his own saliva that was still coating my erection, and then I pushed with all my might. He groaned underneath me, apparently it hurt. I didn’t stop, only continued to push, the tightness painful even for myself. The head slid inside, and I waited a couple of seconds before I thrust again, drilling myself deeper. I started to build up a pace, and I could feel his insides clench against me, urging me on. I couldn’t get my entire length in, which was rather regretful, but what I could was enough for me to reach my climax, far too soon, really. I emptied myself into him with a grunt, resting my weight against his frail body while I waited for my racing heart to calm down.

Satisfied for now, I pulled out. “Clean us up, and then you can leave for the night.”

As he did as he was told, he never once met my eyes.


I was not an emotional person. But there was something, something that happened over the course of the year. I found myself interested. Interested in the young servant I held as a bedmate. Maybe because in time, we stayed up, well past the time we had had intercourse and talked. Talked and talked and talked. Of course Syuusuke did most of the talking. That was always the way. I listened, mostly, as he told me about the dreary life he had led, about - after quite a bit of coaxing from my side - dreams and hopes that he had, and about even silly things like light hearted gossip of what the servants had been up to today. I came to long for these conversations. Came to wish that it would continue like this forever.

Of course it wouldn’t happen. I was to marry, and he was only a servant. I shouldn’t get so attached.

And one day it happened, the one thing that couldn’t happen but still did. His former owner wanted him back.

Baker sat in my study, Syuusuke standing emotionless by the door and I sat in the large lounge chair, hands folded.

“I see you bred him well,” Baker sneered. “How about it? I’m offering 5000. No more, no less. Imagine what you can do with that kind of money. You can take your lovely wife to be on a wonderful honey moon. Maybe all the way to the kingdom of Rikkai. Or you can invest in a new stable. I know you need one.”

“I hardly lack the means to finance those matters myself,” I replied crisply.

“But now you don’t have to.” Baker looked quite pleased with himself. “Come now, lad. You can’t refuse, now can you?”

Yes, I wanted to say. Yes, I can, and I will. This is ridiculous. But I knew that I was being ridiculous. It was only a servant. Only a servant, I could buy a new one. I should buy a new one. Sakuno deserved my full attention. Of course she did.

I stood.

“Yes. I refuse. Please leave.”

Incredulous, Baker stared at me before he got to his feet, rage making his features taut and grim.

“I’ll remember this.”

After that, he left. Syuusuke stared at me, emotions now apparent on his pale face.

“… Well, color me surprised. You really didn’t have to do that, Master.”

“…” I had no reply, so I merely adjusted the glasses on my nose.

“Well~ How about I tell the cook that she should start dinner now, hm?”

When we made love that night, it was feverish, needy and finally I found that I was the one who was left to Syuusuke’s whims. He was the one in control. When he came, inside me with such force I thought my mind would explode, he whispered:

“I love you.”


Three days later they found him.

Laying in the pig den, ravaged, clothes torn and soiled. Broken eyes stared in confusion up at the ceiling. Head severed messily from the rest of the body.

My servants went to fetch me, and here I am. Staring down at the body. I almost don’t feel a thing. It’s odd, quite odd. Before I really know what I’m doing, I already have his bloody head in my arms. Skin cold, everything cold. He’s been dead for quite some time. Two teeth are missing, I notice as I put the head down. One ear does as well. There’s only caked blood.

I pick up my sword. I stare at it.


He will pay. I might not stand much of a chance against him, let alone his soldiers. But he will pay.

Or I’ll die trying.


*fic, round:2010, pairing:tezuka/fuji, character:tezuka kunimitsu, school:seigaku, character:fuji syuusuke

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