many missing days

Sep 17, 2006 10:46

these past 2 weeks have been... somewhat crazy.

finally decided to do some work outside of doing last minute things that were due (damn biometry reports). and i realised i hadn't been to 2 weeks worth of lectures for biology and agricultural science... what the hell was i doing?! whERE the hell was i? lol

i know i spent alot of the days drunk. well, not drunk drunk, but drunk enough to be in a blissfully complacent mood. all my money's gone. thinking back, good god. i had to ask money from mum and dav coz i didn't have enough for train rides. whata wreck

gota find a new job, farewell Popinn Gifts and Homewares. :(

ok, gota get cracking. one more week till (not so) mid-semester break!!!!!!!!!!! wana go camping for a couple of days up north. i have too many things to do, not enough time or mula haha....
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