Insert "DUH" here.

Jun 10, 2005 22:42

Yes, Virginia, milk is fattening...and not because of the fat in it!

Since doing the low-carb approach very successfully, I learned one very big lesson: Sugar Is The Ultimate Evil.

I had no idea while I was growing up that my single most favorite drink...which was, yes, milk...was one of the biggest reasons why I always gained weight and never could lose it. Why? Because there's heaps of sugar in it.

Dietary fat is not the enemy. SUGAR is the enemy...and it's in practically everything these days. This society worships it. Turns a blind eye to it. Refuses to see the grave impact it has on human metabolisms; it's just not true that only diabetics have problems with sugar.

Only a couple weeks ago I was feeling so angry, so frustrated reading news articles about the obesity epidemic in children, only to turn around to get a face-full the constant propaganda that "Milk is healthy! Get your kids to drink lots of it so their bones won't be brittle!"

Good god, people, keep your kids away from that stuff...or at least don't let it become a dietary staple. Don't just keep gallons of it around. There are other, better, healthier ways to get the calcium bones need...and plain ol' water is still the healthiest drink for your body, bar none.

rant, lowcarb

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