I love rain, I just hope if it continues into tomorrow that the duct tape on my right rain boot holds up. I am also very happy that I made it back from Common Grounds before it started pouring. My mom had called to tell me a storm was heading my way, moms are good for things like that. I must say though, it was rather awkward to be a pedestrian and stopped by a train. The people in the cars look at you funny. I also hope Big Muddy River doesn't rise too much, it's already halfway up some trees near it.
I am procrastinating right now as I should be doing my comic book homework but I needed a break. We are reading Watchmen which I've read before but it's one of those books you need to read about 20 times before you really notice all the details. I also have the short-term memory of a goldfish and keep finding myself surprised by things in the story. They are making a movie of Watchmen which is ridiculous and the majority of the novel's fans are certain it will fail. When the director asked Alan Moore (the author) how he would do the movie, he simply said he wouldn't. Alan Moore is a bad ass. Thinking of comics, I saw the movie Persepolis which was awesome and extremely well done. While it did leave out parts of the story, I think the movie still stands well on it's own. I still don't like the idea of it being regarded as a movie kids should watch. They did leave out her drug abuse for the most part, but it's still hidden there.
I did not win on ebay but I did find the same item in the price range I was going for on amazon. Since Brandon doesn't often read this I will share. But just in case, you can view it
here, though I bought it for a better price. I am very excited and I think he'll like it a lot. When I was home, I think my parents finally realized how long we've been dating. To which my dad said, "wow, we were married by then." It made me laugh that they can see me as an adult in some sense yet still complain about my hair color which isn't their business at all. I am cursed being the youngest child and only daughter. At least I usually get away with more, or maybe I'm just better at hiding things I don't want them to know.
Also to my delight, I will be receiving the SNES game Revolution X in mail soon. It's not a popular game but highly amusing. Basically, the band Aerosmith has been kidnapped and you must rescue them in order. If you rescue them in order, they perform together at the end. It's a really horrible one person shooter but super fun. I think I better go back to my comic book.
Love & Sunshine,