[Voice-->Video] {This whole place is a learning experience...}

Jan 18, 2011 14:59

--Like this.

[The feed abruptly starts with a kindly NPC's voice.]

...And the other functions?

[Those who've met Kanda already should be able to recognize that grumpy, clipped, almost-polite tone. He's obviously doing his damndest to be civil, something the local seems to find amusing. There's some quiet discussion as the feed shifts from voice to video. Unsurprisingly, Kanda has his permanent scowl in place, and the local has a pleasant smile.]

And for text, you simply switch it the same way.

...Right. ...Thanks.

[With that, the feed ends.]

[ooc: Just a bit of Kanda trying to wrap his head around the new technology. Harass him if you want! 8Db]

what is learning, it's like a phone but not, !rp: vatheon

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