Title: 5 Stages...
Author: Tooks
Pairing: General
Rating: FRT (mostly just a precaution due to topics being covered)
Prompt: "Five Times..." by
criminal_promptSummary: The team goes through the five stages of grief (according to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying) after Hotch's attack.
Notes: This is based on the prompt of "Five Times
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Comments 22
The Lady 529
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Again, glad you liked it! :D
The Lady 529
I agree I think a sequel would be Fantastic!!
Haha, maybe...I wanna be sure it'll be good and not just a sequel for sequel's sake, you know? But certainly a possibility! :D
My (and it seems others) favorite, the first stage, would be the same since it's already Hotch-centric and then I'd just pick up where that left off with Hotch. ...I'll play and see how it goes.
I'm glad you didn't make it too angsty, but definitely put a lot of feeling into it. Stage one and Stage four are probably the best.
Of course, now you have to write Hotch's 5 stages.
Thank you! And, yeah, the first is my favorite too actually...and the fourth I actually cut down and made it a 100 word drabble for another challenge.
Haha! Maybe that'll be the sequel?? Of course the first stage is more Hotch's than Morgan's so I might have to keep that and then write the other four for Hotch too. ...That might work...We'll see. :D
Thanks again and I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Yep, that's what it means.
'I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it, I wasn't sure if the quote at the end showed a good sum up or laziness but if you enjoyed it I think it shows a good sum up, haha! :D'
I liked the quote because it reminds me of the quotes they put at the end of episodes.
Haha, good, then it worked as a sum up, like on the show, haha! Again, so glad you enjoyed my story! :D
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