Title: 5 Stages...
Author: Tooks
Pairing: General
Rating: FRT (mostly just a precaution due to topics being covered)
Prompt: "Five Times..." by
criminal_promptSummary: The team goes through the five stages of grief (according to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying) after Hotch's attack.
Notes: This is based on the prompt of "Five Times
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I agree I think a sequel would be Fantastic!!
Haha, maybe...I wanna be sure it'll be good and not just a sequel for sequel's sake, you know? But certainly a possibility! :D
My (and it seems others) favorite, the first stage, would be the same since it's already Hotch-centric and then I'd just pick up where that left off with Hotch. ...I'll play and see how it goes.
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