Mar 16, 2012 18:30
So whenever I fade out and fade back in the first thing I do upon my return is review the projects I last left. Oddly or luckily or both I still hold interest in a few, at least. Even being based in a fandom I no longer follow, haha! ...It likely helps that they're AU and heavily involve OCs or, at least, pseudo-OCs, haha!
I've cleaned out my userpics since most I couldn't use anyhow. Before I did so I screencapped the whole list in case I wish to re-order my paid account and re-upload any though. Mostly I've kept actors I always love and/or quotes that never fail to amuse or shit I made I still like :D
So...not sure when the actual writing will begin once again, but hopefully soon. I'm just gonna take ideas as they come, long or short, new or old, for the moment. Wish me luck! ...And if you have something you totally love that's still kinda a WIP lemme know, maybe a little love & brainstorming will help??
((Starting tomorrow, time/creativity permitting, I might try and swing a little comment-ficing in a new post.)
i has icons,