Hello all so it's been about as long as my title huh? Sorry, real life and all, haha! Let's see, updates:
I'm now 29
I've actually stopped watching Criminal Minds
I'm listed as a staff writer and writing longer pieces at
Serial Killer Magazine I have a twitter that's, essentially, trivia on criminal psychology right here:
psych_files I found new fandoms in Justified and True Blood and found myself deeply amused by the premiere of GCB
Apparently, I got nominated for something (didn't say what) at
cmfavoritefics, so that's pretty awesome and, if you vote and I win, it'll be even more awesome ;-)
And, hopefully, I can think of something to write again sometimes soon whether in an old fandom or new or crossover, but who knows.
...Will be debating if I want to renew my plus account here, but I'm still thinking the benefits (extra pics, no ads, etc) outweigh deficits (losing, like, $20) so yeah.
If I feel up to it I'll restructure/update my layout in the banner and switching out user pics. But, in the meantime, enjoy the words of my new chuckle-worthy favorite "villain", Boyd Crowder: