It's back's open to the public (so feel free to bring in others, haha) and it's all weekend long!!
Gimme fandom, pairing/character(s), and a prompt
Fandoms can include:
Criminal Minds, X-Men, Dexter, PoTC, Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel, Hannibal series, Dollhouse and any crossovers of those fandoms you may wanna see
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2) Dexter: 10 facts about Dexter and Deb.
I look forward most to the CMxX-men ficlet, if you decide to do it.
Haha, I adore X-Men (the first fandom I ever wrote in) and already wrote a small handful of CM/X-Men ficlets this week so I'm sooo geared up for that one, haha! :D
I secretly wanted him to actually HAVE a mutation that's got NOTHING to do with his memory or processing speed.
You hit every nail on the head, even the ones you didn't know were there!
Aw, poor Hotch :( Desperately not wanting to be something you are must be hell. I'd like to think he accept himself later.
Thanks a lot for writing this!
Haha, yeah, I didn't want to go with the obvious (though I still imagine his high IQ and memory could be included) with Reid's powers.
I'm happy to hear that! :D
Yeah, Hotch has some denial issues with his powers, but in this world he's pretty young so it's probably a matter of growing up and into acceptance of himself, haha!
Thanks for prompting it, I totally dug writing it! ^_^
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