Sep 09, 2011 09:45
It's back's open to the public (so feel free to bring in others, haha) and it's all weekend long!!
Gimme fandom, pairing/character(s), and a prompt
Fandoms can include:
Criminal Minds, X-Men, Dexter, PoTC, Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel, Hannibal series, Dollhouse and any crossovers of those fandoms you may wanna see.
You can also select any of the AUs or bastardized-canons I have, go straight canon, or leave the option open for me to pick.
(The only thing I will not write is fics based on real people)
Just like last time I'll write up as many as I can, more than one prompt is cool, great even, and don't be afraid to get creative, heehee! And now...
comment fic-ing,