nothing too crazy here...
while at work on sunday, i decided to wear these cute boots that have absolutely no traction. well, add to the fact that i have to walk in and out of a commercial kitchen....bad idea.
so, while walking out of the kitchen, i fell. it was the kind of fall, that if there is a video of it, it'd become viral because i fell fucking hard and was flailing all over trying not to fall.
i fell straight onto my knees, and somehow on my thigh (i'm guessing, since i have a giant bruise) and on my arm.
my arm was useless that night. the muscle all the way to my boob hurts. i don't know what the fuck i did to it. i was too mortified that my ass was showing in front of all the mexican dishwashers.
my knees are in so much pain still, even my jeans touching them hurts, and the sheets at night :(
the bruise on my left knee is gigantic, it's getting worse and worse. i'm quite impressed.
here's some low quality pictures...
they totally don't do the bruises justice. and yes, i am that pale.