Fantastic, another parental holiday. Forgive me if I am a little bit more bitter about this one than the last--now is really not a good time for me to be reminded about my father.
As of today, I am really getting to work. I have read through the book Torn left me three times, I think I can manage. Also, I found something else going through his office that I am reading, but I will talk more about that later. It is too soon, now.
I do have some general announcements to make, so if those of you that can read would do so, and those of you that cannot would ask others to explain it to you if you are interested, I would appreciate it. This is in regards to the leadership and supervision of the various teams and groups we have here, so if you could not care less about that then I do not think this will matter to you.
[Device clicks as it switches over to text.]
As of Torn's disappearance, the team leaders are as follows:
Those of you that have a specific job but haven't gotten a designation for it, come see me and I'll work on getting you a team put together.
The leaders of the apartment complexes haven't changed, but I'll list them for reference, for those of you who need help figuring out who to talk to in order to find a place to live.
- Marshall Street Apartments--Harry Mason.
- Latimir Street Apartments--Sora.
- Horton Lane Apartments--Open. (?)
- Gohl Avenue Residence--invitation only. (Talk to Prydain.)
- Mariner High School--see me.
I've also come to the realization that the biggest problem people here have is that their voices aren't being heard, as it were, and some are scared to speak up because of the possible backlash. To help alleviate the fear of being singled out and still make sure everyone gets a say in things here, I've set up a sort of
suggestion box outside the office here at the highschool. Just write down whatever you have to say, and if it makes sense I'll do my best to make it happen.
I'm working on setting up another town meeting at the school, but I need some input on when would work best for everyone out there, to make sure we get as many people as we can.
[Clicks and switches back to audio, finally.]
I think that's all I have to say for the moment. Just...please try to bear with me for a few days while I get used to this, will you? I am more or less all right now, really, but I would appreciate a little more leeway for just a little longer, to make sure I am doing this properly.
[Sounds a little bit amused.]
And if you do not think I am, drop me a suggestion!