When Miguel and I went to New York in 2008, I got the chance to see Spring Awakening. It was a show that Julie had seen the previous year, just after it had gotten the Tony for Best Musical. She came back raving about it, playing the soundtrack, joining fan groups and generally obsessing. So i had to go see it.
This is one of the most exciting musicals I've ever seen. Sondheim it ain't though - rock and roll beats, high-energy dance, and just an overwhelming enthusiasm that sweeps you up into what is a pretty dark coming-of-age story. Watching with a director's eye, it was obvious the craft that every character put into their roles.
Why do I bring it up now? Because it's coming to the Fox. And because you need to see it. Yes, You. And because while I was at In the Heights I overheard a couple of ladies behind me saying "Gee, we better exchange our tickets to this Spring Awakening thing, it says it has language and sex in it." Show you're part of the cultured South and go see a musical based on the most banned play in modern history.
OK, so I'm shilling a little. So sue me :)