Week in pictures

Aug 11, 2010 20:05

I had some friends from PA come down this past week and they don't like to just sit around normally so we were much more busy than I'd normally be. Here are some pictures from our adventures. CLick to make them bigger.

at the Fernandina Beach:  
 << me     
 I'm not sure what Randy is doing here but it makes me think of a Lady Gaga pose.
  His wife, Kim.    
 Thier son Justin. Aka one of my bff's brother. His sister, Heather is currently in New Zealand for school and so wasn't able to visit.     

Next day we went bowling and then to a  Jacksonville,FL Suns baseball game.
      Unfortunately Justin kicked all out butts in both games. But I did end up owing Randy an ice cream after betting it on getting a tricky spilt shot. So I (read that as my Mom) bought his ice cream at Sonic on the way home. 
 Okay, these guys were my favorite part of the game. The were a crowd of drunk dudes cheering for the Suns. Especially Lee Mitchell. They yelled out great stuff through out the entire game like, "We love you Mitchell!!! No homo!"  And to a player with the last name Curry, "You spice up our lives Curry!" They were briging the lulz all night.
 The dude they were cheering for.  He did bring in at least 2 runs on a great hit.  
  The next morning I went golf with the guys. I only played 9 holes b/c it was pretty hot but they went on to play 18. 
   The next day we headd down to Orlando,FL where they were catching an auto train they next day. We decided to play a round of mini golf and hit downtown Disney.  
  It was pirate themed which made me smile. 
   We did get rained on about half way thru and took shelter under a magnolia tree until it passes. But after the rain t got so muggy and humid out. Ick.
  We ate on the back porch area of the Rainforest Cafe. We had a lovely view of the water and later on the sunset.   
 beware of monkey poo at the Cafe!    
   before we left the balloon on Pleasure Island went up.  And that's all my pictures. We took more but thier on our friends cameras and as they are probably still on the road I don't have them yet.      

disney, keyword-93, keyword-98

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