I feel like I should be worried

Jun 23, 2010 22:53

Yesterday evening my neighbors (who my family don't know beyond the basic "hi neighbor people" occational greetings) were robbed by a guy with a gun. My face = O.O for real. We heard these popping noises and assumed it was fire crackers or something similar. I even turned on our porch light and peeked out the glass door to glare at who ever was disturbing my peace. The story I heard is: he drove up in a red car, got out and demanded my neighbor lady's purse (I think her and her husband must have just arrived home from somewhere if they were outside her purse ect). He shot twice at the ground, grabbed her purse, bruising her arm and shot one last time in thier general direction before getting in the car and driving off.  They have the shell casings and her bruises as proof, and that's all I know. My Dad got the story from another new neighbor. I can't believe someone would rob people in my little dinky neighborhood!! I mean the couple that got robbed are from New York and thier house is kept in really nice condition but still! My Dad thinks they must have some reason for choosing that particular home. It's not exactly the first house in the subdivision and not easy to reverse and make a quick get away from. Our road is barely a two way road as is.

This makes me a little more glad to be going away on vacation to PA this Saturday. I've been keeping my two dogs close today hoping their ferocious barking scares away anyone who comes within 100 ft of my house. But I'll definitly be keeping my ears open when I get back and see if they catch whoever did it.

keyword-114, keyword-119, keyword-93

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