"sweet Puck..."

Oct 03, 2008 21:33

Quick backstory- I am stage manager of my 1st show: A Midsummer Night's Dream. We are on our 2nd weekend of preformances. Tomorrow is our last one.

We may end up not having a show tomorrow. Tonight we ended at intermission. Our Puck (whose name is Sage) fell while chasing the mechanicals out during the "like a hog I be,or a headless bear ect ect." I noticed her holding her upper arm as she ran so I started making my way backstage when our director Doc runs past me. I open the door and she Sage just offstage collapsed and trying not to bawl. We think she either dislocated or broken her shoulder or collar bone. She is a trooper. She fell and then finished her whole fucking monologe before making it off stage and collapsing. She was screaming as Doc carried her backstage. While we are all backstage trying to figure out what to do, our poor Titania is left onstage with Bottom and 1 fairy. Titania marches off stage "looking for her fairies" and the fairy onstage improvises off giving us a chance to cut the lights. Meanwhile a girl drives Sage to the emergency room, but some people saw a screaming girl being carried out the back door of the theatre and called the police on us! I said,"At least we know people are paying attention." We offered to give refunds, and preset everything in case we are able to do tomorrow's show, but we are all doubting.

The evening started off so well. Not a bad crowd reaction wise,a sold-out house. I were ready on time and I was playing Egyptian Rat Screw with some actors. The pace of the show was a little slower but otherwise good. Here is keeping my fingers cross the Sage isn't to badly hurt. She confues me but is always good for a laugh.

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