Bike woe

Sep 05, 2008 22:56

My bike seems to have been stolen today. Boo.  :(  I went to my Acting I class this morning,then grocery shopping right after. I put my bike leaning on a pole that supports the stairs to my dorm room/apartment like I have been. About 3 hours later I go to ride over to Midsummer Night's Dream rehearsal at 4pm-bike is gone. It's my fault,I haven't really locked my bike lock since last year when it started being stubborn. I have to put the key in and jiggle it around for the mechanism to lock/unlock and I just always put the two pieces together so they look like they are locked. But woe is me,now it's gone. And I just finally started decorating it. :(   That's the only bike I've really ever had too,for at least 6 years.

Well,I'm going to report it to the campus police tomorrow and hope that it turns up. If not I am definitely going thrift bike shopping because I've gotten used to biking and not walking around campus with all the slow people. (Unless of course it's after class and I'm walking with a friend back to their car).
Keep your fingers crossed for me that someone finds my bike soon.


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