My looong (and a bit late) thoughts on The Dark Knight

Aug 01, 2008 22:45

I wrote these out after my second time seeing The Dark Knight in theatres.(I'm actually watching it online as I type this. Some days I just love the internet. :) These are in no particular order.

-Harvey's coin is from 1922. That made me smile.
-Gordon's end speech was good.I'm seriously impressed overall with the film's writers. The Dark Knight and the juxposition of Harvey being Gotham's White Knight is fun to think over. "Harvey Dent was the hero we needed but not what we deserved, while Batman is not the hero they need but the one they deserve." 
-Any one have pictures of Gotham's flag? It looked blue with stars and maybe a banner on it. I wonder what Gotham's motto is?
-The Joker painting 'S' in front of laughter is the best medicine made me lol-very Joker like.
-The bigger and bigger weapons was great as well-"Is that a bazooka?!" BOOM!
-The Interogation scene was still freakin awesome. Joker's "You...complete me" line made my inner comic geek squee. As did his "we're destined to do this forever."
-Batman headdesking the Joker=WIN (I totally found an icon and a gif of this the other day <3)

-Joker to Gordon "Does it depress you..ect" made me think it was a commercial for depression medicine the first time I heard this on a tv spot.
-"killing" Gordon-not cool.I knew they wouldn't kill him but I did get worried for a few minutes.The midnight show I 1st went to, the guy next to me and I were like "No,we would already have heard the angry yells of comic geeks." 
-Gordon's reapperance on the otherhand was pretty badass.
-Harvey messing with the psyco Joker goon guy.I loved that. I was like Harvey,your evil side is showing. I was also loving the lighting in those scene.Keeping Harvey's face in shadow was very comic book like.
-Flipping semi truck was as cool as it was in the trailers.
-Joker "Harvey Harvey Harvey Dent, 'scuse me,I wanna drive!" line=<3 Seriously,everytime Joker spoke I was grinning.
-Joker roll/falling out of the semi then falling down and making the gun go off.Slapstick is always fun.
-Bruce falling asleep at his meeting. <3 It showed us how much Batman takes out of him and a little of the cost of living a double life.
-Mr. Reese character was a nice little role. I've seen some people point out Mr Reese=mystery-any Riddler connection? Edward Norton(E.Nigma/Riddler past name) was mentioned in The Gotham Times vol. 2.
-Joker's magic pencil trick is so full of win! I was laughing and grossed out at the same time. (see icon)
and here is an aftermath picture I found Lol! :)

I'm so glad the body bag scene with the Joker wasn't cut! Great and creepy.
-I finally figured out who the heck was the guy in the bar Harvey first killed as Two-Face.It was the corrupt cop right? All the mob people confuse me. And we,as the audience,know Harvey is badass because not only does he kill you,but he drinks your drink too. (You think that's got to sting as it leaks out what is left of his jaw.)
-Ramierz and not Montoya.Boo. Missed chance for a nod at the fans.She looked the part too.
-Also,the gravely voiced guy at the Bat signal drinking a beer after Gordon "dies"-Harvey Bolluck maybe?
-Scarecrow cameo was fun if a bit drawn out. Shows the crazys are still out there screwing with the city.
-Scarecrow's line to Batman after he tells fake!Batmen he doesn't need help- "Not in my diagnoses." Hehe. I love that guy as Crane even if he is young and hot not old and skinny like in the comic.His eyes are amazing. And he does crazy so well.
-Joker homemade videos-<3 I think Joker would laugh at Youtube, but still be posting his videos there.
-Nurse!Joker's I believe in Harvey Dent sticker-lmao! Loved that little touch.
I wore my Jokerized I believe in Harvey Dent shirt to my 2nd viewing and the ticket guy was trying to figure it out.
-Chicago as Gotham. Eh, I think the city of Gotham looked better in Begins. Also,where did the monorail thing go? Not all of it collapsed?
-Who is the guy on the stand at the beginning of the movie? He says he is in charge of the mob or whatever.He sounds familar from the viral marketing...
-What was the point of Lau? I feel like he could have cut. Or at least his capture could have been cut way down. Just make one of the mob bosses his character.
-Dead!fake Batman hitting the window-made me jump both times.
-Did the card on his^ chest read 'will the real Batman please stand up?' Lol.
-Did Joker give Batman the wrong address in the interogation? He said he was after Rachael and got Dent instead. I was confused.
-I laughed at Joker sticking his head out the police car window even tho Rachael had just died.

-Gyllenhal was definitely better than Holmes. I liked the character a little more and she seemed like a stronger woman (until she was falling off buildings and being *fridged* as I read in other reviews.I still don't quite get the story behind fridging. Someone explain this to me please?
-Rachael's death being the sole reason Harvey flipped? Eh. I wish they would have shown some more dark moments for Harvey before he cuts loose.
-I've also seen people wondering why he goes after Gordon. This is how I see it- Gordon didn't believe/let Dent go after the corrupt cops in this unit, which led to them kidnapping Dent and Rachael on Joker's orders and Rachael's death.
-Joker crashing Bruce's party was funny.His story about the scars was kind of sad tho.He tells it with such passion. I love that we don't get a definitve backstory as well. Yay for fanfic!

-What's the mayor's name? I felt like I should know this.
-Caine as Alfred was approriatly snarky and sypathetic. He's not was I usually think of when I think of Alfred,but I still love his take on the character.Don't his speeches make you want to go save people?
-Freeman was good as always in his role of "the wise black man".  Very believable,but I like him in everything I've seen so far.
-Joker, "I want my phone call...I want it." <33

-cell phone in the dude's stomach-gross! but believable as something this Joker would do.
-Beginning bank scene-still as fun as the first time I saw the leaked footage. I wonder how Joker is standing in the middle of the street in full makeup without causing a scene...I guess this is just before people know much about him.
-Joker beating Batman with a crowbar. I haven't ever read the whole thing and I was getting 'Death in the Family' comic flashes.
-Joker's whole end speech=major <3 "Madness,as you know is like gravity.All it takes is a little PUSH!"
I feel sorry for the sucker cop who had to get him down.You know those guys were pulling straws and Joker was just hanging there cackling at them.
-Harvey's slow-mo burning and waking up. So sad. ( but his hand caught fire and isn's scarred-oops movie people!)
-Batman's sonar was awesome.(But no cell phones in the was that working?)
-Batman breaking Maroni's leg-LOL. I like the guy playing Maroni overall.I hope they bring him back somehow.
-I wish we could have seen Joker in Arkham or something.His story line was just left hanging (haha  bad pun).
-Joker music was neat. Different,that kind of buzzing-I have no idea what the instrument is but it is full of tension.
-Dent killing Maroni's driver was pretty funny.
-Camera work on the movie was good-Bruce flying over Hong Kong was very pretty and the angles for the bank job were great.
-Some of the cutting near the end of the movie was a little choppy for my taste tho.
-Joker "cheap tastes,like gas?" Haha! Gas isn't cheap here!
-Harvey flipping on himself when he has Gordon's family-good.
-Joker washing his hands after touching Harvey Two-Face.HAHA.

-The bomb not making a big enough explosion at first was funny. Joker is like "wtf why isn't it working?!" then BOOM!
-When Batman crashes and Gordon revealves himself-we go next to the Joker in jail then Batman beating the snot out of him. Who dragged Batman off the street and woke him up? How did Gordon stop all those SWAT guys from arresting Batman?
-Anyone else think the scary Batman voice should be screwing up his  Bruce voice? Alfred must be giving him lots of cough drops.

Have another random picture GIF because I have so many:

SPOOOOILERS galore with the cut line. If you haven't seen the movie yet you probably don't want to click. Lots of rambling thoughts and questions. Mom's gone to Savannah tomorrow and I haven't got the ok to move into my dorm yet,SO should I go see the movie again tomorrow y/y? 


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