little late TiLT + related pictures of course

Jul 25, 2008 00:19

-Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight. Amazing performance-my fingers are crossed that he at least gets nominated for an Oscar. I still have to see the movie again in theaters before I write out all my thoughts. Hopefully I’ll convince my parents to see it this weekend.


                                                                 my makeup for the movie(minus cut nose)^^
-Experimenting with my dad’s my 35mm film camera. I’ve stole it since he is in love with his new digital camera.

 This just made me think of a Edgar Allan Poe story.
-My pets. <3 I sat on the floor earlier today talking to my Mom and watching Jeopardy while the cat was stretched out asleep on my Dad’s chair. Just listening to him purr made me smile. And then I had my dog, Shadow in my lap because someone was shooting off poppers of some kind of loud noisemaker thing outside that was freaking him out. That’s one reason I hate being away at college because it’s the first time I’ve ever had no pets.


-Madonna. I know she is crazy sometimes but she is so awesome it works. Her fashion and her music video (I’m watching Jump as I’m typing this) are things I’m loving lately. Also, the girl is buff! Have you seen her lately? She what, like almost 50 and is fit, seriously.

-Libraries I went today (turned in Anne Frank to finish some other time. I got too depressed reading it) but I picked up dvds of Amelie and Civil War Stories, books-The Grits(girls raised in the south in case you didn’t know) Guide to Life and a bio on J.R.R Tolkien and audio cassette recording of Fahrenheit 451. Yes, cassettes. Ha ha ha, I’ll have to see if my old boom box still works to play them. As I was checking out I thought “Dang, I have a random collection of interests here.”
-Journaling. My new past time. I bought the book/journal by Keri Smith called Wreck This Journal - I’m having so much fun thinking of things to do to it.

Some pages I've done recently ^^  
Being a Girl Scout for life that newspaper clipping really had me laughing. I will think that now everytime I go to a camp.

keyword-71, keyword-98

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