and before I forget-TiLt

May 08, 2008 23:31

-Billy Joel music
-The Prestige movie! (Go watch it! Magic tricks,Hugh Jackman,and Chritan Bale. Plus the wicked ending will freak you out. I literally walked around 2 days later still going "wtf just happened?!" I also just got the book to read. :)
- The new FREAKIN' AWESOME DARK KNIGHT TRAILER!!  more Joker+Harvy Dent(/small half glance at Two-Face) for the win! I can't wait and I hope that the movie lives up to all the viral marketing hype.

-seeing my old friends (and meeting new people in the gang) at Prom. Haha I went 3 years in a row! 

 I'm in the middle with the while gloves and short hair. Most of the rest of the night I had my top hat on,but not in the first few pictures.
-strange, but lately I've been loving wearing my hair in pigtails. My hair isn't any where near ling enough to go in a ponytail and my mom makes fun of me when I just push it behind my ears and it sticks out all on the sides. Pigtails keep it out of my eyes and allow me to still spike it in the back. (It also makes me feel like Harley Quinn.)
-Cate Blancett in the I'm Not There movie with all those actors playing Bob Dylan. I just statrted it today but I totally have a girl crush on her as Dylan-it's strangely hawt.


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