+ and -'s

May 08, 2008 23:04

The Good:

+getting an ice cream blast from Sonic
+on the way home from a pretty good softball practice that I got to help Dad with
+I bought 8 postcards and some Mother's Day cards
+seeing old friends at Prom
+getting my Love More.Fear Less stickers from Halcyon
+I get the day to myself tomorrow while my parents are working at the TPC. I want to ride around the neiborhood and try to get some fun pictures.
+this article about a gay bishop getting married -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24521220>1=43001

The Bad:

-getting hit in the shin at softball practice and then having to do 5 push-ups because I hadn't caught it
-Not being able to work on my high school's summer theatre show(which is the full freakin version of Beauty and the Beast!!!).The dates are the same days my family has reservations at Disney with my 2 best friends families. But grrr! I wanted to work on a show!
-My room still looks like a tornado hit it and it's been almost a week since I've been back. I've only unpacked 2 1/2 bags and I still have stuff in my dorm room. I'm wondering how I got it all to fit now...I sense a massive ebay sale or salvation army trip later this summer.

Whatever else (not the Ugly :P ):

> I helped my Mom give our dog,Shadow a bath today. He hates water so I have to carry him into the tub. But hopefully the bath with stop him itching-he has allergies too.
> My first grade is up. A 'C' in Stagecraft. This is not in bad because I was kinding expecting my grades to be lower this semester because I missed a bunch more classes this time-first becuase I was sick,then just lazy days.
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