
Feb 05, 2008 19:09

I am really proud of my self today. I went to all my classes and did lots of work. I only went to one class last week because of laziness and alergy/asthma problems.  I think I've also decided I don't want to be a scene design person in theatre. Lots of fun people in that class and plenty of interesting set discussions, but I tried drawing my fist scaled set...haha. Took 3 trys. I forgot my ruler so I was using an envelope from one of my pen pals that I was saving in my purse. That probably didn't help, but Doc and Sammi got me sorted out eventually. I'm interested to take a lighting and/or costuming class next year-see if any of those jump out at me as something I'd love to do.

I was also proud at myself for getting out of the slump I felt when I woke up. I was feeling kind of down and icky. I had to stop taking my one allergy medicine yesterday because my allergist appt. on Monday. Apparently antihistamines are a no-no when doing tests, but after taking it for the past month and a half I felt off and sniffly. But after going to class and talking with Sammi and concentrating on taking precise measurements and coming back to catch part of Hugnation I started feeling better. I remembered Halcyon's one Belief Buffet about choices "crap or cone." It's about focusing on the positive things instead of dwelling on all the bad shit. I felt like I did that today.

In fact, I was so proud of myself today that I bought myself cheesecake for dessert (or a midnight snack) later.  =)

So, overall it was a good day. Now off to finish my dinner and my 1st English II essay that is due tomorrow. Eek! It's a murder story with elements based off Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell Tale Heart.
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