
Feb 05, 2008 00:59

-I finished being stage manager for the first time ever in AASU's show 'New Voices.' Some funny stuff. And I met some people that seem to be in the theatre know-so hopefully I will keep seeing them as I get involved more with the shows.

-I bought watermelon from Krogers grocery store! The other day I was thinking about watermelon and how I wished the weather would warm up. Well today it was in the 70's! Beautiful out! And hopefully tomorrow I will eat some of my watermelon.

-I gave myself the new project of making an inspiration/random fun ideas jar. So far I'm filling it with Keri Smith's list of 100 ideas, 's style tips, and fun thing that I like to do. The purpose is that when I'm feeling low or run out of ideas I can go to this jar and pick a piece of paper up and have some cheap, quick pick-me-up. =) I'm also debating the idea of making a second one for one of my besties (bff if your confused) Both of thier b-days are coming up so it won't be this year but  maybe for another time. Maybe when I finish I will post some pictures.

-Gotten my first book ready to release for ! It's an extra copy of Gaston LeRoux's Phantom of the Opera that I was given this X-mas. I think I am going to release this one in St. Marys when I go home Wednesday. I also have an extra copy of C.S. Lewis's The Silver Chair that I want to eventually release. Any body interested in getting it? I could sent it out to where ever.

-requested my library borrow a copy of Hide and Seek with Angels: A life of J.M. Barrie. After rewatching Finding Neverland I wanted to learn some more so I have been looking up somethings and I never knew how tragic the how story/relationship between Barrie and the Davis boys was. I hope I have a slow class work schedule next week so I can just chill and read it.

-thought about what I am going to do for and during Josh and Kim's wedding this Saturday. I think I have my outfit planned out, I'm getting my hair trimmed and colored Friday, and I can't wait to see everyone and party and play games and just hang out.

-discovered the Self-Portrait Challenge  I'm intrigued. I may start randomly doing this.   "The aim of this site is to create a community - an online community of people participating in a continuous artistic self-expressive art project.. To give a voice to those who want to speak. To encourage self-analysis and self-expression and self-exploration in people who would normally not be able to or don’t have a venue or audience for such. To encourage people to challenge their personal boundaries. To free up inhibitions and allow that inner hidden something to be occasionally seen."

-Re discovered the 6 word story. Have you heard of it? Google it! Some of the stories are so great! And just with 6 words! I'd love to do this when I'm bored. Today's: (I'm a beginner, I should get better once I start practicing and moving away from cliches)

Don't push that button on the...
His hugs were like fine wine.

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