Trust Me 12/?

Oct 28, 2010 19:04


”Reid, get the hell off that boy!!” Angus yelled angrily as he stepped through the door. Almost simultaneously they could hear Lily scream “Oh my god!” behind him.

Reid quickly got off of Luke, automatically standing in front of him as a shield while he gathered himself. Luke stood up as well, moving to stand beside Reid.

Angus was red with anger, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. He had his glare set on Reid, and if looks could kill… Well, Oakdale would have been vaporized.

Lily had moved a bit further into the room, shifting her gaze between the two boys. Her frown screamed of disgust and anger.

Holden stood behind them both, barely inside the room. He too was frowning, but looked more concerned than anything else.

“Reid, you little piece of shit!” Angus roared, taking a step closer. “I have made the rules of this house perfectly clear, so tell me why the hell you chose to ignore it? I don’t want this disgusting behavior in my house.”

Reid stared right back with a gaze so hateful that it almost lit the air on fire. But he didn’t speak.

Lily stepped forward, grabbing onto Luke’s arm. “I told you not to go to see him! Do you not respect me at all?? Come on, we are going home!”

“No!” Luke pulled his arm back, trying to get out of her grip, but she refused. “Mom, let go of me!”

“No, I will not let go! You are coming home with me right now! This is not acceptable, Luke! You cannot just run out on us like this, and you can certainly not run off to someone we specifically told you to stay away from.” She pulled again, forcing him a few steps towards the door.

“I am not going anywhere with you! There is a reason why I left!”

“Oh suck it up, kid, and get the hell out of my house!” Angus roared at him, still not taking his eyes of Reid. “I need to speak with my nephew.”

Reid on the other hand had shifted his gaze to Luke, his face frowned in concern.

Still, he didn’t say anything.

“Luke, we are leaving! Now!” Lily kept pulling on his arm, surely leaving a mark.

Luke struggled, and finally twisted out of her grip. He took a step back, staring his mother down. “I am not going anywhere, especially with you.”

“Actually, you are!” Angus took a step towards Luke, shifting his hateful glare to Luke. “You are getting the hell out of this house before I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing!”

Reid stepped in between them, shielding Luke behind his back.

“Oh, don’t you dare!” Lily’s voice flew sharply through the air. “Your nephew is taking advantage of my son! I’ll have him arrested for statutory rape! I just walked in on him with his hand down my son’s pants; God knows what other disgusting things he has done to him! I will not let that go unpunished.”

“Mom!” Luke gasped. “You can’t do that!”

“I most certainly can, and I will!”

Luke opened his mouth, but had no words. He looked pleadingly at his father, hoping for some sort of support.

Holden’s soft voice came from the door, making everyone turn to look at him. “Luke, I think that we have a lot to discuss here. And it looks like Reid and his uncle has to do the same. So I think the best thing would be for us to go home.”

“No, Dad! Please, I can’t!” Luke pleaded.

“Luke!” Lily warned. “We are leaving. Now!”

Luke sighed in defeat. He stepped closer to Reid, who turned to him with a face filled with concern. As their eyes met, Reid smiled comfortingly, and nodded, as to say that it was alright. “I’ll see you at school.” He said quietly, keeping the smile glued to his lips.

Luke nodded reluctantly, and followed his parents out of the room. Holden comfortingly placed his hand on his shoulder, and led him out of the house. As they walked out into the cold and closed the door behind them, they could hear the yelling starting up. “Fucking hell, Reid! Can you do anything right?? No wonder your father killed himself! He couldn’t live with having such a disgusting little faggot for a son.”


The drive home was in silence. Luke wanted nothing more than to jump out of the moving car and run back to Reid. He did not like leaving him like that, especially after seeing the look on his uncle’s face. He was downright terrifying.

And Reid hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t tried to defend himself or to say anything at all. He had just stood there and taken it. Since when did Reid Oliver just stand there and take it when people were talking shit to him?

Luke was worried. Really worried.

And Lily was pissed. She had slammed the car door shut, and glared out at the dark roads in front of them as Holden took them home.

Holden was also quiet. Luke didn’t really know what to think of his father right now. Earlier that day he had been as supportive as he could be, but now, he hadn’t tried to defend Luke or Reid. And he had forced Luke to leave. Luke would not forgive him for that.

When they finally arrived at the house, Lily’s house, Lily stomped right into the living room. Luke and Holden followed slowly behind.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Lily demanded to know as Luke finally entered the living room. “What in the world possessed you to go directly against your father’s and my orders, and go see that boy?”

“That’s a dumb question.” Luke muttered, stopping so the coffee table separated them.

“Excuse me??”

“You heard me. Dumb question.” Luke repeated, louder this time. “Why would I want to stay here, with people who don’t give a damn about me?”

“So you went to see a guy who is abusing you, treating you as his boy toy or something?”

“He is not abusing me!”

“He had his hand down your pants, Luke!” Lily frowned in disgust at the memory. “In no way is that appropriate!”

“He did that because I wanted him too!” Luke countered cockily, smirking slightly at the look of shock on his mother’s face. “I wanted him to touch me. And I wanted him to do a whole lot more than that.”

“What has he done to you?” Lily shook her head in disgust. “He is not going to get away with this! What has he done to you, Luke??”

“I am not discussing my sex life with you!” Luke laughed in disbelief.

“Sex life?? Luke, what did he do to you? Did you have sex with him??”

“Okay, I think we all need to calm down here.” Holden finally stepped in.

“That boy molested our son, Holden!” Lily shrieked, motioning towards Luke. “He took advantage of him! We can’t just let him get away with that!”

“Lily, I don’t think that’s what’s happened. I think we all just need some time to calm down, so I am going to take Luke out to the farm for the night. We can all meet tomorrow and talk more about this.”

“Fine. But we are continuing this conversation tomorrow, and I expect you to tell me what this boy has been doing to you.” Lily crossed her arms, sending Luke a pointedly stare.

Luke rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. He stopped as he touched the door handle and turned back. “Just know that I hate you both for making me leave him there. And if anything happens to him, if his uncle does anything to him, you’re the ones to blame. And I’ll never forgive you for that.” He glared at his mother. “You’re not going to be able to change me, mom. This behavior… it’s only making me hate you.”

He turned and tore the door open, and walked out. He waited by the car until his father came. In silence they drove out to the farm.

“Dad?” Luke asked quietly as they entered the kitchen.

“Yeah?” Holden replied, turning around to look at his son.

“Mom’s not going to have him arrested, is she?”

“She could.” Luke bit his lip in terror, images flashing through his head of Reid being hurt because of him. “But I don’t think she will. She is upset, and… walking in on what we walked in on didn’t exactly help.” Holden frowned, clearly uncomfortable. “You shouldn’t have taken off like you did, Luke. It just made things worse.”

“I know… I know, Dad, but I just couldn’t deal with it… It’s like she hates me now, and neither of you remembered what today was… And I just wanted to see him.”

“I can understand that.” Holden sighed, putting his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “And I am truly sorry for forgetting. I don’t know how it happened; it’s just there’s been so much going on lately… It’s no excuse, I know, but I want you to know how sorry I am.” Holden shook his head, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s been a long day… I think we should get some sleep.”

“I guess so.” Luke nodded, picking up his discarded bags, and headed for the stairs. “Good night, Dad.”

“Good night, son.”

He headed up to his room, and collapsed on his bed. He texted Reid quickly, asking if he was okay. He didn’t get a reply.

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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