Scream, Kid 1/2

Oct 10, 2010 21:18


Every day after 4th period, Luke Snyder practically ran to the cafeteria. He always sat down at the same table, at the same seat, under the cover of saving the table for his group of friends.

The real reason? It gave him the perfect view.

When he sat in that particular spot he had a perfect view of the chess club’s table. And it gave him the perfect view of a particular senior who always sat in the same seat as well.

Reid Oliver.

He was the president of the chess club, straight-A student. Openly gay.

And he would kick your ass if you tried to make fun of him for any of it. People knew better than to mess with Reid Oliver. Some jocks in Luke’s Spanish class had tried to mock him earlier that school-year, cornering him outside by the bleachers during a free period. Reid had just watched as they threw one insult after another, laughing their butts off while doing it and trying to get the bystanders to join in. They, most of them fellow-jocks from the football-team, just shook their heads and refused to participate. Reid had waited patiently, crossing his arms and waiting for the guys to finish their taunting. His face stone cold, not showing off any emotion. A couple of comments earned a smirk or a roll of his eyes, but he remained silent. The jocks grew sick of not getting a response, and started being physical.

A little known fact: along with being president of the chess club, Reid also happened to be a member of the school’s martial arts club.

Not one minute later, both jocks were lying on the ground, cradling their bruised wrists and bleeding noses, gasping for air.

Reid straightened his shirt; he hadn’t even broken a sweat. “Learn some new insults, guys. Try something I haven’t heard a million times before. But since you seemed so fascinated; no, I will not suck your underdeveloped cocks. I’m a senior; do you really think I’d be interested in some low-life sophomore-kid? I can get whoever I want, so why would I settle for some inbred imitation of a boy? Keep dreaming, boys, because it’s only there that I would ever touch you voluntarily.” With that, and a smirk, he walked away, leaving them bloody and humiliated.

Luke would remember that moment for the rest of his life. It was the first time he’d seen another person in real life who was gay and was not scared to admit it. Another person who had the same feelings he himself had, and wasn’t embarrassed by it. He had fallen immediately, and ever since that day he had spent his lunch-break staring at the older boy.

He was fascinated.

Reid Oliver spent his lunch break at a table filled with people, but rarely engaged in conversation with anyone. What he did do was inhale copious amounts of food. By the time Luke had finished half of his sandwich, Reid’s overfilled lunch tray would be completely empty. And then he’d leave the room, going outside for some air before class.

Luke had learned to eat quickly, so he’d be able to hurry outside and hide underneath the bleachers and watch him.

Reid would lean against the wall casually, just glancing around at his surroundings without portraying any emotions. He wouldn’t really do anything except standing there, enjoying the peace and quiet. This was really an off-limit part of the school, but no one had ever busted him for being there.

Luke would then wait a few minutes before hurrying inside and to his next class. It became his daily routine. His friends hadn’t noticed, or at least hadn’t commented on his strange behavior, which he was happy about. He hadn’t really come out to anyone yet, too scared of how they might react.

His daily routine was disturbed the day when instead of leaning against the wall and turning his glance upwards at the sky, Reid Oliver had approached the bleachers with a self-satisfied smirk.

“You know, I should have you arrested for stalking me.”

Luke froze, looking around and hoping Reid was talking to some other person. He wasn’t.

“I… I… Uhhh… I’m sorry, I…”

“I’m not blind, you know? I’ve seen you staring like a creep in the cafeteria, and hiding under there each day. It’s kind of disturbing.” Reid winked and walked back to his usual spot, leaning against the wall.

Luke didn’t know what to do. Was that an invitation to go over there, or should he leave, or… At least he shouldn’t stay under the bleachers, he decided, and crawled out. He brushed off his jeans, sneaking a peek at the older boy who had shifted his gaze to the sky.

‘I got to get out of here…’ Luke thought, and slowly headed towards the door. He was almost at the door when he heard the voice.

“So, you’ve got a crush on me, do you?”

Luke froze, yet again. He turned his head slightly, and watched as the older boy pulled a lollipop from his pocket, unwrapping it and sticking it in his mouth. He gave it a quick suck, pulled it out as he ran his tongue around his mouth, tasting, before putting it back in.

“I...” Luke was speechless.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about, kid. It happens to the best of us.” He chuckled to himself and glanced down his own body. “At least you got good taste.”

Luke turned completely towards the other boy, but still didn’t move. He bit his lip and hoped his face wasn’t as flushed as it felt. “I…”

“Are you actually going to contribute to this conversation, or are you going to continue with letters of the alphabet?”

“I…” Luke blushed again. “I’m sorry, I just…”

“Yeah, whatever.” Reid chuckled, and looked away.

Luke was hypnotized by the view, as he usually was. Reid pulled the lollipop from his mouth again, rubbing it against his closed lips. He snuck his strawberry-red tongue out between his lips and twirled it around the red candy. He pushed it back in, closing his lips around it. His lips were now also red, closed around the white stick.

Luke imagined Reid doing just that to him, imagined how it would look if Reid’s lips were wrapped around his co… oh god. He inhaled sharply, trying to delete that image before the evidence of his daydream became too visible in his nether regions.

Reid turned at the sound, saw Luke’s flushed appearance and laughed loudly. “Wow, you got it bad! Maybe you should head to the bathroom and take care of that before class.” He nodded towards Luke’s increasingly tightening jeans, smirking like a mad man.

Luke blushed harder than before, wishing he could just sink into the ground and disappear. Wishing he had never started going outside to watch Reid in the first place. He more or less ran inside, heading for the nearest bathroom. He decided on a handicap-bathroom, as they had locks on the door so he wouldn’t risk being caught. He was about to slam the door shut and lock it when a body came flying through it, and kicked the door shut.

Reid Oliver.

Luke stepped back in shock, and frowned. The older boy smirked as he locked the door behind him. “You don’t say anything, get a boner, and then you just run off. Tsk, tsk, kid.”

“I… I had to…”Luke mumbled, looking anywhere but at the older boy.

Reid leaned against the door, smirking as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You don’t say…  How old are you, kid?”

“I’m… sophomore. I’m 15… almost 16.”


“Why? I thought you weren’t interested in lowly sophomore guys.” Luke ranted out before he could stop himself. “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like... I’m sorry, I… I just… last year, the guys, you…”

Reid chuckled and shook his head. “Do you ever finish a sentence?”

Luke blushed even harder and looked down. “Yeah, I just…”

“See, you did it again.” Reid smirked, stepping closer. The white stick was still poking out from the side of his mouth. “And who said I was interested in you?”

Luke took a deep breath and looked up, directly into the other boy’s eyes. “You kept talking to me… You followed me in here.”

Reid nodded slowly, amusement shining out of his blue eyes. “That I did, that I did.” He stepped closer until only inches separated their bodies. “I was… intrigued.”

Luke self-consciously licked his lips, trying to tremble from the excitement of having Reid Oliver standing so close to him. “Why?”

Reid smirked, reaching his hand up to rest to fingers against Luke’s temple. He let his fingers roam across Luke’s face, down to his jaw, to his lips.

Luke tried not to shudder, and struggled to keep his eyes locked with the other boy’s. “Why?” He whispered.

“You’re kind of cute, you know?” Reid smirked, hooking two fingers in the belt-loop of Luke’s pants and pulling him closer. “For a sophomore, I mean.”

Luke stopped breathing. He could feel the heat radiating off the other boy, and he wanted nothing more than to press his own body against his, letting his hands roam the other’s body, exploring… His muscles wouldn’t move, and all he could do was stare.

“I could… help you with your little problem there.”

Luke nearly came, right there, from the sheer anticipation. Luckily he still had some self control, and bit his tongue hard to keep the little he had left. Reid pulled him closer and pressed his leg in between Luke’s, pressing his thigh against Luke’s hardness. “Or maybe not so little.” He chuckled darkly, rubbing his thigh slowly up and down.

Luke rolled his eyes to the back of his skull and groaned loudly. “Oh god!”

“Oh, don’t come just yet, kid. I am far from done with you.” Reid grabbed roughly onto Luke’s hair and forced his forehead against his own. Luke could smell strawberry on his breath. “I’m going to make you scream.”


rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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