They don't care who they hurt

Oct 23, 2008 15:02

There's a mailer going out equating Barack Obama with terrorist causes, which is ironic considering that John McCain was just endorsed the KKK and by Al Qaeda, probably because he's recriuting for them.

The irony here is the tagline. "Terrorists don't care who they hurt." Obama seems to have it in the bag at this point *, but Republicans don't care who they hurt at this point. They'd rather let their followers spend the next eight years believing that Obama is a secret terrorist. Don't believe me? I just spent the last three days talking with a family relative who was arguing with sincerity and conviction that Obama would do god-knows-what once he had top secret access to the FBI files.

David Frum, former speechwriter for Dubya, was on Colbert last night and said a lot about the GOP that I agreed with. Republicans have been "cocooned from reality" for the past 8 years. The close 2004 election was "a near-death experience", not a victory. We've had 7 years of economic stagnation for people in the middle of the economic distribution, and the answers of the 1970s don't matter this time. Tax cuts were the answer to the problems of 1978, 1979, and 1982 but we can't tax cut our way out of our current problem. Those problems went away and now we have new problems. We need an economic policy that focuses on middle class people. Reagan won first-time voters by 21 points. Bush Sr. won new voters by a substantial margin again in 1988. That hasn't happened since. Republicans will decide how long their exile is by how soon they accept the new reality. They will have no future until they stop writing off cities, young people, and the middle class.

Or as a friend told me today:

When this came in I had to click the [donate] button. Fuck winning. I want the RNC, all up and down the tickets, to get fucking mauled. I know there are smart, fair-minded conservatives out there. I think their broken party needs to be curb-stomped if they want to have any chance of fixing themselves.

republican, election2008

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