Juggling One-Upsmanship

Mar 12, 2006 03:45

There's a video forward going around of Chris Bliss juggling to a Beatles song. Apparently it's very popular and a lot of people are impressed.

Penn Jillette wasn't impressed, because if you're a professional performer juggling three balls isn't all that difficult. (And because everyone likes the Beatles, but if you're doing piss-poor juggling ( Read more... )

video, juggling

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zalriva1 March 13 2006, 01:17:29 UTC
Umm... As someone who (indirectly) makes money from juggling, I have a few comments:

5 anything in the air is incredibly hard, 3 or 4 is cake in comparison. More than a few rotations of 5 balls is something impressive. With one hand? Simply Awesome.

People are rarely impressed by things that are incredibly difficult, they prefer flash. It's all about what captivates. The flair that's hardest to learn is rarely what the crowd remembers. They remember what's on fire, not what wins awards from your peers.

matrushkaka is quite correct, the russian kids are teh awesome.

Where's Ed Sullivan when ya need him?

My opinions:

Bliss does a high energy routine, I find it entertaining (if not a little repetitive) and it's easy to see why it would capivate an audience that isn't familiar with the nuts 'n bolts of juggling. He's a fair technician with a pleasant stage presence. Audiences like him, and in that he's successful. People leave having been entertained.

Garfield is one of the better contemporary jugglers, he's technically stunning and physically gifted. I've had the pleasure of watching him perform a few times. He's a top-tier talent. Superb technician. Superior body control. Improvisations look better that most performers routines.

To compare the 2 in any way is ridiculous, but Penn is correct, Garfield can juggle circles around Bliss in any context.

/end two cents


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