Juggling One-Upsmanship

Mar 12, 2006 03:45

There's a video forward going around of Chris Bliss juggling to a Beatles song. Apparently it's very popular and a lot of people are impressed.

Penn Jillette wasn't impressed, because if you're a professional performer juggling three balls isn't all that difficult. (And because everyone likes the Beatles, but if you're doing piss-poor juggling to a tune that people like then people cut you slack.) So Penn dared Jason Garfield, who is actually a talented juggler, to perform the exact same trick to the same music with five balls. Which he did. Including the same camera angles and facial expressions. It's pretty damn impressive.

Then again Penn also said that Jason Garfield only looks good until you've seen the Galchenkos, a Russian brother/sister pair who won the world juggling federation championship at ages 14 and 17.

video, juggling

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