Here are some of the VAing stuff I've done since I've last posted 'em! (There are quite a few more, but these are the best ones and the ones I had the biggest roles in.)
I recently made a new demo reel (it's a sound clip of a bunch of unrelated lines that are meant to demonstrate a VA's range, though it's often spruced up with music and SFX to make it more authentic), and I posted it on YT as well so here it is:
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Now below this behind the cut, the first two are from a Final Fantasy IX fandub where I'm cast as Ruby and Puck. Apparently people really like the Ruby voice (flaming Southern accent ahoy!) and Puck people liked too, which is something considering boy voices are really my weakness in VAing, so that I did a good one is a real level-up! ^o^
The other three are original projects, not fandubs -- the one with Chaska is called "The Perjurer", and though I have like 2.5 (lol inside joke) lines in it, it has an interesting story as well and I'm really looking forward to doing the rest of the episodes (that's just the first). The ones with "Rozen Chronicles" on it are stuff that I personally mixed -- the project itself was canceled by the original creator, but not before I got this stuff together; I even wrote the skit video's script too. =P
Puck @ 3:48
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Ruby @ 0:20
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Chaska @ 4:09
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Beatrice @ 0:37, Sayo @ 2:32 (Beatrice is a demon girl with a split personality lol; unfortunately project was canceled so this is all that's coming out of it D= )
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Beatrice, entire clip =D (Characters ICly attempting karaoke of a notoriously difficult song to sing 8D;; If you can't stand it, skip to 1:56 to see the lulzy aftermath)
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