Fanworks Recs - 9 Total

Aug 24, 2003 01:14

Notes/Babbling: I've not been feeling well lately, so I haven't had much chance to read or look for art, but I took some time off today to just go veg with some fic. I found stuff I liked. TeniPuri still needs to give me my soul back. It was mine first, dammit.
    Prince of Tennis - 3 Fanfics
    Matantei Loki Ragnarok - 2 Fanfics
    Weiss Kreuz - 2 Fanfics
    Ranma 1/2 - 1 Fanfic
    Yami no Matsuei - 1 Fanfic

- Prince of Tennis - A Series of One-Shots (chapter 01) by Ashen Skies - There were a few things that were off about this story, namely that it was a bit... mm, cliche yaoi fic, I guess. The ice cream thing and the over-use of the word "love" and "I love you, do you love me?" bit. (On the other hand, this is Oishi and Eiji.... >_>) However, these things were overshadowed by many other things that I liked a lot. XD The writing was good, there were some nice details (I especially liked everything dealing with Inui's juices and the earlier matches--that I could just see Eiji telling Oishi about. XD), there was some nice lime, and the author really, really captured Eiji's bouncy personality well. He's not spastic, just... excitable sometimes and I *heart* the way she wrote him. And I liked that he was an active participant, he wasn't just a passive little uke, he actually acted on his wants, which made for a really, really nice lime scene. There were just so many little things to adore--like the "Chirou-chan" bit and Fuji's rather re-interpretible line to him about having to make the first move. XD (OishiEiji.)

- Matantei Loki Ragnarok - Calluses by Peripheral Vision - I... find myself unsure of what to say about this fic, other than it kind of makes me sad, kind of makes me smile, and is very, very well written. It's a little introspective piece about Narukami-kun, about gods and humans, and about Loki. In a way, it makes me sad, because... there's this air of all of them heading for some fate that they can't escape, it makes me smile because it's sweet and who knows what the future holds, and it makes me sparkle because the writing is gorgeous and it's about my darling Narukami-kun. I think my favorite part of the story was the way Narukami-kun looked at Loki, the way he knew Loki and yet... couldn't help but not hate him anyway. XD (No warnings/pairings.)

- Weiss Kreuz - Cat's Cradle by Avium - I admit, that I was very, very skeptical of the idea of Crawford x Ken (despite these two being my favorite characters), but three things saved me from scoffing. One, I deliberately attempted to suspend my disbelief before going in, telling myself to just pay the price of admission for the fic and accept that it could happen. Two, if the author herself hadn't labelled this Crawford x Ken, I doubt I would have called it that, as it's more pure gen interaction than anything. And, three, the fun and humorous lines that were woven into the fic. The way it started, the easy way things moved along, the wonderful, solid writing, the subtle moments made me really like this fic. The author portrayed the characters wonderfully, I could see them, and it was just one of those fics that was fun to read. (Crawford/Ken.)

- Prince of Tennis - A Series of One-Shots (chapter 02) by Ashen Skies - (I'm rec'ing these chapters seperately, because the fics don't seem to be in the same fic-continuity and thus, at least in my mind ^_~, are seperate entities that are loosely collected together, sort of like an anthology.) This fic had pretty much the same qualities to it the last one did--there were a few things off that I might like to quibble with the author over (especially jumping to the 'love' thing so quickly--I do believe they will love each other and are on their way there, but... it's still a bit soon), but the overall product was highly satisfactory and a very enjoyable read. I admit, the FujiRyo in the fic felt like it came out of nowhere and was rather shoe-horned in, but I can agree with why the author put it in, because the dynamics of it were necessary to build to the point of the fic. And... I rather agreed with the characterizations presented here, the author has a good, solid grip on who they are and the dynamics they have with each other.
I adored Kaidoh's confusion about WTF Inui wanted and Inui's practically purring senuality when he realized what he did want and went after it. And I loved that Inui never condescended to Kaidoh, despite being in control of the situation--and it drives Kaidoh more than a little nuts because he doesn't like to be directed anywhere, that he's not just going to roll over and let anyone do what they want with him, but... somehow it's tolerable when it's Inui. And... oh, I adored the sex, because IC sex is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I am firmly of the belief that sex is not pointless when it's truly about the characters the author is ostensibly writing about, rather than just any random character who happens to share a name and a physical description with the one I want to read about. Sex that actually incorporates little bits of insight about the characters, little touches that make the characters recognizable... that is a wonderful, wonderful thing and I adored it here. Like, Kaidoh and Inui's little talk after they finish... was fantastic, I just loved that they each flopped over and weren't all schmoopy and mushy afterwards, because I don't think I could buy that in this situation. So. Ahem. Good fic! Yay for InuKai smut! Yay! (InuiKaidoh, graphic content.)

- Prince of Tennis - Touch by sailorstarsun - When I saw this on FFNET, I was curious, because TezuAto is one of those pairings that snuck up on me and just pounced, digging its claws in and not letting go. I'm also very protective of it, as I want it to be treated right and... okay. There is only one thing I disagree with the author on and that is when she says in the author's notes that there's no basis for the pairing. XD Ohohoho, I saw a lot of basis for the pairing (especially Atobe's utterly smitten look towards the end of the match). Other than that... the author achieved what she set out to do perfectly--a fic that was sensual and beautiful on an aesthetic level. The fic is only PG-13 yet it made me go *_____* more than some graphic stories have, just from the pure... sensuality of it. There are also some gorgeous lines in this fic, but I think my favorite had to be: Passion, pride, love, lust; he put everything he had into that kiss. Everything he felt, everything he was, communicated in that embrace [....]. Gorgeous, gorgeous ficlet. (TezukaAtobe.)

- Ranma 1/2 - Red, Orange, Black, After Black, Yellow, and Manila by Joseph Palmer - When I saw the link to these stories on animefics, I went, "Ooh! Yay! Ranma/Akane fic! I love those! *sparkle*" And it had been a long time since I'd read any Ranma/Akane that I'd really liked, so I was looking forward to them and... I found that what I liked about them was what I liked about the original series, in a way. I've read other fics that have made me go, "Oh, my god, that was so amazing!" more than this one did, but these stories had a special... charm to them that made me smile and love them. They're... very, very WAFFy, far more so than the series itself, but that's okay, because I like Ranma/Akane WAFF. The writing is good, very smooth and readable and... somehow reminds me of the mangaka's art. It's... kind of simple, in a way, but still very pretty, very... heart-warming. (Ranma/Akane.)

- Matantei Loki Ragnarok - Rerun by Alexandra Lucas - See, this is why I keep branching out into new fandoms. Because there are all these gorgeous little gems of fanfic for all these shiny new series and I want to read them all. I adore those little moments that are just so telling about a character, even if it's not more than just a moment, you see so much of them, such a perfect summation of them--and that's what this fic is. A short moment in Heimdall's life that illustrations who he is and a little bit of what makes him... well, what he is. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Yami no Matsuei - A Wing Short of Flying by kireira - Gaki recommended this story to me, saying it was an interesting little AU and looking at the summary/pairing possibilities, I decided to give it a shot. I do have such a weakness for anything with Muraki/Hisoka in it. And... this is a very interesting story the author is developing, an interesting, "What if...?" rearrangement of the timeline. The writing... is smooth and readable and really lends an air to the atmosphere, giving it a quality rather like the manga itself, and there are a lot of wonderful little details added into the story (but not so many that they detract from the storyline) and... it's just... interesting. The way the author has portrayed the characters, how Muraki effects them is well-done, you can see why Hisoka and Tsuzuki act the way they do, even after they spend a lot of time with each other, healing just a bit. I especially like the characterization of Muraki, the way you can feel his... intelligence and how adept he is at emotionally manipulating others, yet how mad he is, perfect for a story like this. ^_^v And... I admit... a part of me is curled up in a little ball and whining about how awful the author is being to the characters, how much she makes them hurt and would she just stop it already and let them be happy? ;_; ....but that's the reaction she's supposed to be getting from me, I suspect. XD (A little Muraki/Tsuzuki/Hisoka yaoi, but basically along the lines of the manga itself, a little disturbing content.)

- Weiss Kreuz - A Definition of Love by Avium - This story... was just what I wanted in a lot of ways. I don't read much RanKen these days as I've gotten a little burnt out on them and my attention has shifted elsewhere, but... every once in awhile I go back because this is still my OTP for the WK fandom and I think it always will be. What I adored about this story was the atmosphere Avium put into the fic, it was... almost poetic, something like lyrical, in that sort of Weiss-y way... only not, you know, pretentious. The fic was from Aya's point of view and in first person and that's not something I usually go for, but... the writing of this story was just gorgeous, it flowed beautifully from one scene to the next, and the angst was just the right level. Never too much so that I was rolling my eyes and getting turned off by the cheesy, manipulative drama, but instead being pulled into the characters' plights and hurt. And... gah, such lovely imagery woven into the fic everywhere, from the plants to the crosses to my favorite--the open book metaphor. I could just... picture that. *_* (RanKen.)

fic: matantei loki ragnarok, fic: ranma, fic: yami no matsuei, fic: prince of tennis, fic: weiss kreuz

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