(no subject)

Jul 07, 2010 09:51

I am horrible with money. If I ever make anything more than what I make now I will have to hire someone to manage it for me. When my Grandparents (on my Dad's side)'s estate was split up between my aunt, my sister, my brother, and I, I got around $16,000. I was going to use that to pay off my student loans, the debt that sort-of looms over me. But I don't like money. I don't like worrying about it, about making more and more, about not having enough. All I know is that I need to make more than I need to spend. After helping to pay for some expenses associated with the funeral and the estate and whatnot, I ended up with about $14,000. of that, I have about half left, because if the money is there I will spend it. I don't go buying crazy things with it, I just buy more regular stuff. And I drink, that costs more than anything I guess. I'm not buying drugs or guns or anything terribly bad, but to go out and drop $100 on a day of drinking (which, I guess, does include probably $30 in food) is easy. I don't find it to be that important. I guess I find it to be insubstantial. If I die tomorrow, is someone really going to say "Wow, look at all that money he saved by not going out and doing things." ? Wouldn't I rather have them say "Wow, he lived a life free of stress and didn't let the usual concerns of the blue collar worker get him down."

Except that everything is based on money in this society. It's not just our currency, it's our obsession. It's not "gee, how much should a gallon of milk cost?" It's "Hey, you don't own a new car? Well, you must be dumber than me because you can't make enough money to afford that." Things are not judged based upon merit as often as they are by spending ability.
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