Mar 04, 2008 10:05
Well, it's pretty much official, the gall bladder has to come out. I see a surgeon this Friday to find out for certain whether it will need to come out but the ER doc, my primary, and NP all say it has to come out. The pain is tolerable as long as I don't move around much and don't eat too much fat. I miss cheese, damn it!
Right now, it's looking like this whole gall bladder thing could have been a large factor in holding me back and holding me down. Having gone through all of this, I believe that I have been dealing with gall bladder issues for years and just chalked it up to abdominal cramping/gas. I've had ultrasounds before and nothing turned up but I think I might have gotten further if I had been more vocal about what was going on with my side.
You see, ever since about 1987, I've had pain on my right side when I lie on my back. This is why I like to sleep on my belly and not my back.
It's weird, I don't feel like there is much wrong right now. I know that I have a lot of shit to work through but I feel like getting my gall bladder out will free me up to do some of the shit I need to do. I've been aching to get back into the gym but this pain keeps me sidelined. I'm going stir crazy! This, too, shall pass, right?