finally an update

Sep 18, 2005 13:44

i haven't updated this for the longest time. the weeks that i haven't updated were probably a lot of fun, but i don't remember most of it because it was so long ago. the stuff i do remember though is that i lived at matt's house for a week, filmed a lot of stuff, school started, went to the parkland vs emmaus soccer game, drove around in a flat bed of a pick up truck, etc.

i will just tell you what happened in the past couple of days. wednesday i probably hung out with either toby or matt. i had guitar that night with steve. thursday i went to philipsburg to go shopping at h&m plus other stuff. kylie was smart and lost her purse, but she found it. oh yeah, i got the most amazing suit of all times. friday was the day that i worked for a couple hours. after work charles cascio came to town. we went to applebee's with like 12 people (i don't feel like naming any). after that we just went back to matt's house. it was pouring extremely hard outside, so a bunch of us got swim suits and trash bags and went to camp olympic. we slide down the hill a bunch of times but it got boring fast. once we finished that we went to back to mike's house to hang out around the pool and go in the hot tub. andrew brought over a couple girls, charlie got naked, and whatever ususally happens. saturday was a fun day with charlie. he came over and we went out for lunch at his favorite place... mcdonalds. then we picked up carl, visited andrew at work, went to army navy, and then went home. that night there was a couple parties, so we went to mallory's and had a lot of fun.

that was basically the past couple days and i am sick of updating this again.
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