yaaaaah! my week!

Aug 29, 2005 14:01

so basically i paused eating my salad to update my livejournal because some girl that i am going to wind up marrying asked me to do so.

basically i have been up to the same stuff for the past week. i am going to give you a day by day because you want to know, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.
wednesday - sat around my house all day preparing for guitar at 7:30pm. another great lesson with steve the rock master. after guitar i don't think i really had any plans so i just hung out with carl and matt.
thursday - went to matt's house around 1 and swam most most of the afternoon. he took me to work at 4pm and i worked from 4pm until 9pm. after work carl picked me up at my house and floriana was with him. we went to cherry hill park and just sat around on the playground and picnic benches and talked about life. mike called and we talked about the funniest things. kylie ditched me to give me pay back.
friday - me and matt hang out from the moment we wake up. we got bagels from 3 men and a bagel. after that we went swimming again for a while. fooled around his house for a bit. we went to my house and matt drove my sisters 20mph electric scooter from my house all the way to carl's house. that was the funniest thing i have ever seen. that night we had a pool party at matt's house. this consisted of me, matt, carl, mike, megan, loganne, floriana, and every other person that was there. after all of them left we covered carl's car in mud because of the dance team car wash the next day. carl and i slept over matt's house after that occured.
saturday - i worked from 10am until 3pm. matt took me there and back. when we were in the parking lot about to leave we saw nina and talked to her for a while. we visited loganne at work across the street. went back to matt's house and watched riding giants (best movie ever). that night me, andrew, matt, and mike went to logannes house where the following people were: loganne, megan, jackie, diane, ahhhhhhhhh... and everyone else haha. i stole all the remotes and cell phones and gave them to mike to hold in his pockets... that was pretty funny. i drank around 4 cherry cokes and had to pee every 10 minutes. we all left around 10:30. matt came back to my house to sleep but we couldn't fall asleep.
sunday - around midnight we call loganne back. she tells us we can come back over if we want so we did. didn't really do anything except watch television. some sick things were said that made me and matt want to kill ourselves. we come back to my house like 2 hours later and fall asleep. when we wake up, bagels were on our minds so we got them. after getting bagels we visited carl at work during his 11 hour shift, got 3 boxes of fruity pebbles, watched collateral, and made a couple movies. that night all the boys watched pride fighting and cro cop lost unfortunetly, buuuuut shogun won the belt in the middleweight. i went back to my house to sleep.

that was my week!
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