May 12, 2006 23:53
Hello again LiveJournal :) How its bittersweet to be meeting with you again :P
Well, since its been an eternity since ive last posted here, I might as well ebgin with a quick rundwon of all the things that have happened since my last posting:
- School ended on a good note! I was ab le to finally attain my goal of straight A's in a single semester :) I attained a 3.82 GPA for that semester, earning an A+ in E-Business Technologies, and an A- in the other four courses, respectively
- Job search was a BITCH :S This year was by far the most competitive in regards to the amount of people applying for on-campus jobs, and applied to about six jobs before I got accepted to one! For the summer, I will be serving as a Student Life Assistant, which Troy always thinks is a guidance counselling position and mocks me by saying I should go and console somebody while I'm at it, lol :P Nah, its not even close to something liek that, my job is to arrange Student Life initiatives across campus, like helping out with the creation, organization and promotion of events happening across campus. I figure that hands-on project experience will serve me very well in the future, and is better than painting walls at the Campus Ice Centre, getting endlessly frustrated with Government of Canada accounting methods, or getting yelled at randomly by mobile computiong workers, lol
- My dad got a job too in downtown T.O. so its weird not having him sitting at home half the time, but at the same time, its really a welcome change :)
- Out of a random invitation by a uni friend, I've constantly been playing lots of baseball this summer, and met a whole new group of friends which is hype :) Up to that point, I had not played it in YEARS so getting into my Barry Bonds stance and wailing home run balls with steroids is SO gratifying :P It almost makes me wonder if I ever should havewent into baseball, but then I quickly remind m yself that the average pitcher doesnt intentionally try to lob the ball downt he centre of the plate at no speed whatsover, lol :P
- MSN is so dead :S Nobody ever talks to me on it anymore, but I guess thats what you expect with everyone working, or bein busy and whatnot for the summer...hopefully it can improve tho :)
- I quit WoW, that game is too full of people who have nothing to do but bark at you as to when you should and should not be playing the game, and quickly turn on you if you dont abide by such guidelines. No offence, but I feel I'm entitled to my own life, and if you dont agree with it, thats your own problem, and its no loinger worth my time, so basically, I'm thru with you WoW! >:( lol :P
- Overall, I'm REALLY lookin forward to this summer! It's so full of endless possibilities and I plan to do some stuff this summer that I really feel that I will personally enjoy :)
Today was a bit of a muggy day at first, but eventually, I was able to play some basketball with some friends today. MAN, I am incredibly rusty right now, but thats what the summers for and if my ankle stays healthy, hopefully I can improve my game and show them I'm worth more than just getting one point in a game of American :P (aka everyone one for themselves)
If its one thing about this summer, I just hope that I don't fall into a bland old routine for the days I'm off because it will really make my days that much longer, and thats somethign that I really do not wanna look forward to, lol :P
Basically, this summer has had its balnd moments certainly, but its also had its fubn and relaxing moments :) It's sorta tearjerking to know that I only have one more year with my friends before we all go our separate ways and, well, if the summer has determined anything, I could potentially lose all contact with many of my uni friends which would be heartbreaking, but the same thing happened in high school I suppose and I'm really nto reeling over that so maybe it won't be so bad, lol :P To be fair, I indeed do keep in touch with many friends on a periodic basis, but I guess when ur placed in an interactive atmoshpere such as university, and that environment is taken away, you dont really know what you truly cherish until it becomes fully absent, lol :P
If it's one thing I've become stronger, its how I handle myself :) I seem to be more confident in my decisions nowadays, and like to take control whenever possible (not anything close to a control freak, cmon now, lol :P) What sorta disconcerting tho is that I'm losing contact with a lot of old freinds, but at the same time, I'm making so many new friends which is also encouraging :P
Frankly, I don't even know what the latter half of this post means, my minds just a jumble, but I guess if I plot it down here, it could all eventually make sense someday, lol :P Alright, I hope everyone has a safe and happy summer, and always keep it REALLLLLLL :D