Whereas I once feared
8=D~, feared that my relationship with him would have ended up like my relationship with Ragu (bitter rivals becoming respected peers becoming collaborators and eventually trusted friends),
8=D~'s actions have irrevocably changed that most feared of courses. Thank God, too! Because he's quite possibly the biggest douchebag in the history of the Universe! I'm glad that I've made the discovery that he'd rather just delete offending content than deal with it like a man. I'm just plain tickled pink like Presidential Hopeful Hubert Humphrey. By not responding to my (as Badman put it: < Badman> T Tome that post was hell of heroic. He's such a pussy for not replying to it) exploratory mission behind his lines to test his military might, he has shown that he is a complete coward in the face of a confrontation.
Fire up the tanks, lads. Hulagulag is going to war! Taking out
8=D~ will be like a leisurely drive along a Belgian highway!
I think I've worked out, logically and empirically that
8=D~ is not actually a Japanophile douchebag, but is in actuality, that worst kind of human filth, the Anti-Semite.
"Well, what kind of evidence do you have?!" a proper critique by a critic armed with more than just Wikipedia links to back up his bravado. "He's never actually gone out and said that he hates God's Chosen People."
Naturally, he hasn't. But due to my flawless mind and it's perfect ability to follow a logical progression, I've been able to deduce this little-known but widely-believed fact. Like Inspector Zenigata, Deductive Reasoning is the name of the game and clever traps are my Modus Operandi. In a different life, I'd have been the star detective on the force, one who is able to crack any case, no matter how impossible, despite his abject terror of helium balloons and clowns. That being said, sorry Denny-kun, I didn't mean to inflate your ego by implying that you're my Lupin Za Sird - you're by far too clumsy and stupid in the feet to be Zenigata's arch-nemesis, also nowhere near smooth and suave around the ladies. But I digress. I was on a roll there with making an inane, mainstream anime reference that Kanenwisher would understand and relate to, seeing as how he has absolutely no creativity and ability to think on his own.
So, on to the evidence.
Observe the differences between these two images:
http://hulagulag.com/images/8=D~koverup1.png ein
http://hulagulag.com/images/8=D~koverup2.png zwei
Now... whatever could the difference be..? Oh, it could be that a confrontational message posted in a public forum, one that bears content with which
8=D~ disagrees, he finds it completely prudent to grab his bucket of whitewash and a paintbrush and get to covering it up. Modern technology makes a cover-up easier than convincing your friends that whitewashing is totally fun and that they should trade you their precious belongings for a chance to share in the fun you're having. All you have to do nowadays is click a little red X next to a posting and as faster than you can charge your laser, the bulletin pasted to the great Public Forum is painted over with white plasterwash, hidden from society's prying eyes forever.
Well, what kind of asshole would do such a thing? What kind of total douchedrinker would dare alter history to fit his own narrow world-view? Well, the world is full of those kind of assholes. They're called Holocaust Deniers.
You see, there's a group of people out there who think that the teachings of Adolf Hiter were correct and the extermination of an entire group of people was A-Okay because they possessed certain facial structure characteristics, had a certain skin tone, or believed in just one part of the Bible, but think that the rest was just silly. While, thinking and writing that it's A-Okay to just murder someone for an arbitrary reason is protected speech here in the Great Old United States of America, it's still unconscionable, the act of actually setting up camps in which these people would be concentrated and earmarked for extermination is a whole other kettle of fish. Millions of people (Jewish and non-Jewish) were exterminated during the Third Reich's Holocaust.
While this is tragic, and no doubt it is, all of us would like to forget that it ever happened, to forget that upwards of ten million of our brothers and sisters in Europe were systematically wiped out just because of the widths of their noses or the hue of their skin or the way they worshiped the same God that their oppressors worshiped. It was a horrific instance in not just European history, but World and Human history. It was a time that should be commemorated, remembered every day that these people died horribly, died wholly unnecessary deaths to satiate the blood-hunger of a power-mad dictator, one that would have marched the entire world's population into those gas chambers had he the resources.
We'd all like to forget, but we mustn't. We mustn't ever forget what happened to them, for if we forget, history will repeat itself. Similar Holocausts may claim even more lives, lives of people who think and look and dress and believe the same things you believe, meaning that you yourself are destined to spend the rest of your short time on this coil behind the concertina and guard towers. We must remember forever all these people who died in the camps, lest you be the next one behind the wire.
So then, what kind of asshole would deny that the Holocaust ever existed? What kind of total fucking prick would admit to God and the world that upwards of ten million Europeans did not meet a miserable fate in the camps? Anti-Semites overwhelmingly tend to be the kind of total fucking dongbenders who would deny that the Holocaust ever happened. They either dismiss the whole affair outright as "Jewish Propaganda" or try to downplay the numbers, as if saying that it's okay that three million people died in the camps rather than the seven-to-ten million typically accounted-for. They say this as if the deaths of three million people is somehow not the moral equivalent to the deaths of ten million, because after all, it's just slightly less than ONE THIRD as horrific, right? Therefore, it must be MORE THAN THREE TIMES as moral, right?
No. The death of one person is immoral. There are a very limited set of circumstances where the killing of another human being is justified, let alone moral.
Anti-Semites tend to deny the Holocaust as a justification for its resurrection, they want the world to forget about it as soon as possible so they can build new camps and renew their mad crusade to wipe a certain group of people off of the planet, a certain group of people that differ from them through a wholly arbitrary metric. That's the kind of person that would change history to suit their goals. People like this tend to hide behind a mask of liberal gentleness, they hide behind empty phraseology, employing terminology that makes them sound that by hiding horrific facts from the public, that they're protecting them from awful things that they don't need to know! Cloaking events in the past that some might construe as offensive or terrifying under the ruse of protecting them is a tactic employed by the Anti-Semitic Holocaust Deniers.
Does that mean that Holocaust Deniers are all followers of Hitlerian National Socialism? Not necessarily, the distinction between followers of Hitlerian National Socialism and Anti-Semites is a faint, blurry line, since Hitlerian National Socialism is built upon a foundation of Anti-Semitism, it logically follows that Holocaust Deniers have Hitlerian leanings. Hitler himself was a denier of the Armenian Genocide, saying that it was nothing more than "Jewish Propaganda." Holocaust Deniers would rather cover up history than deal with it like rational adults. Instead they childishly paint over questionable or offensive bits of history, quibble and fight with people who call them on their bullshit, and then run away crying when they're exposed for what they are.
So, where does that leave
8=D~? The logical progression goes thusly:
Offensive Comment was made in a Public Forum.
Rather than deal with it like an adult, he breaks out his paintbrush and plaster and proceeds to seal over it, hiding it from the prying eyes of future historians.
There are people that utilize these same tactics when the topic of the European Holocaust comes up.
These people are overwhelmingly Anti-Semitic.
8=D~ is an Anti-Semite.
Man, fuck you,
--Much Love, Steve Van Pelt, your biggest fan, your greatest enemy.
Which reminds me of that awesome bumper sticker I affixed to Scott Akimoto's DeLorean which read: "Suckin' dick bought this car." Someone should just X out the word "car" and replace it with "awful necktie."